19 January 2019, 11:02
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Wow started a debate.
perhaps I should mention rib is mainly used for fishing and not usually more than 5mls from launch site.
19 January 2019, 11:55
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Chin strap breaking on Geckos??
I merely repeated what I was told about them by the RNLI.
So to settle any arguments I have emailed Mr. Gecko and asked the question.
When I receive a reply I will, of course,......
"Ribbing-the most expensive way of travelling third class"
19 January 2019, 16:03
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Eye protection
Originally Posted by Xk59D
The problem with geckos for me is the size of them for storage (and cost), the masks I have stay on the boat. Geckos would need to be taken everytime if I had them and I've got enough to lift.
Have you not got any decent sized storage space on your boat? I can leave 4 geckos on my wee toy boat. I shared your cynicism until I used one in anger and then picked up 4 here for a bargain price second hand. I feel a bit of prat wearing a gecko on what is a family boat but it really does make a difference in terms of comfort. I guess people would feel similar wearing your visors - have you passed the MoD Plod at Faslane with them on?
19 January 2019, 18:09
Country: UK - England
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I picked up a couple of gecko “seconds” off eBay a couple of years ago. The missus was convinced she’d never be seen dead in one, until a particular lumpy trip out on the west coast of Scotland. Now at the first hint of spray, out come the geckos. Combined with a dry suit it’s as close as you get to a personal microclimate.
Rule#2: Never argue with an idiot. He'll drag you down to his level & then beat you with experience.
Rule#3: Tha' can't educate pork.
Rule#4: Don't feed the troll
19 January 2019, 19:00
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Originally Posted by Poly
Have you not got any decent sized storage space on your boat? I can leave 4 geckos on my wee toy boat. I shared your cynicism until I used one in anger and then picked up 4 here for a bargain price second hand. I feel a bit of prat wearing a gecko on what is a family boat but it really does make a difference in terms of comfort. I guess people would feel similar wearing your visors - have you passed the MoD Plod at Faslane with them on?
No room for geckos comfortably no. I have said many times ribcraft storage is a joke. However, even if I had room i wouldn't buy them. A good snood/balaclava or similar and the 15 quid mask I linked to before are ideal for my needs and can live in the seats.
19 January 2019, 21:11
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I forgot to answer about plod at faslane, I am very rarely in gare loch so probably not tried them in there, but they will pull a rib in if they are bored in there or loch goil, would be hard to know. They may ofcourse pull you in to laugh at how much of a tit you look with geckos or a face shield/mask on just as equally.
And to clarify, the front console on ribcraft is big enough for daily needs but 4 fenders use up good chuck of it, plus jackets, floatation suit or bag with hats/gloves, grub, drinks etc.
19 January 2019, 21:13
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Originally Posted by Xk59D
No room for geckos comfortably no. I have said many times ribcraft storage is a joke. However, even if I had room i wouldn't buy them. A good snood/balaclava or similar and the 15 quid mask I linked to before are ideal for my needs and can live in the seats.
Ghecko's IME are a real Boon on long wet and/or ROUGH Paul...(and subsequent COLD) outings...and believe me I've tried em all...when the Snood/Balaclava is soaking wet running down you're neck ...and you've still got a longish cold-wind chill effected passage ahead,you may change you're mind Mate 
In the real rough stuff with the Trunks down when you may ship one or two ..nothing else I've tried comes close....rain can really sting at speed...and Hail really does!.
With the added protection against the odd knock (big or small) its soon becomes apparent why the RNLI ect use them exclusively. Also I've found that the mouth inflated air bladder ...whilst giving a good comfy and secure fit,is also acting as insulation ...which even in the coldest conditions really help keep you warm...(in winter I wear a thin Murino Balaclava under mine)
As for storage...I either put a couple in the front suicide seat on my Pacific Consul..or simply hang them from the back of the seats by the Chin straps..or purpose made padded Bags you can get from Gheco... Like the Gurnard says it does help to coat the visors in "rain off" or similar,which just sheds the water instantly with no loss of vision... I also carry a very small container of anti-fog which I've used in the winter when you're wrapped right up and air flow is a little impeded.
When we crossed the Channel in a force 8+ a few seasons ago (90+ Nm) they really showed their worth..keeping all the Crew dry and warm...apart when I slightly misjudged one and shipped one over the starboard bow (in some BIG confused overfills off St Vaast ..after nearly 5hrs) and my fellow crew member Andy Hadd got it full in the face!...his auto Lifejacket when the off...and his Visior was ripped off and is still out there somewhere! 
I wouldn't be without mine that's for sure...and most people come round to them in the end...ask Pikey Dave 
So Eye protection ...General Usually just wear "Oakey Wire Taps "...keeps wind out at Cruiseing speeds as well as UV ...I have a second pair of Largish Oakly wrap around type sunglasses for the faster stuff...ie when Rocky is about!.. ..where the wind factor is increased and the leisure pair fail
...A pair of yellow lens safety glasses for low light (if I remember I use straps on them all) ..then straight to the Ghecko's for anything more inclement..
Part of the fun of Ribbing is honing the gear/kit and accessories you take that suits and enhances your type of Boating... and things do evolve ...but a good yardstick is to see what the Pro's use,most of the time their needs will exceed ours
A clever Man learns by his mistakes..
A Wise Man learns by other people's!
The Road to HELL ..is Paved with "Good inventions!"
19 January 2019, 21:26
Join Date: Jun 2010
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Try a seal skin balaclava with neck dude, water stays on outside of the float suit or whatever you have on. That is my next purchase for sure.
21 January 2019, 08:58
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Well, here is Mr. Geckos reply.........
Hello Brian,
Thank you for your enquiry. The buckle on the chin strap will release at 70 kgs breaking weight.
Gecko Head Gear Ltd
I have absolutely no idea if this what "we" want to hear.
"Ribbing-the most expensive way of travelling third class"
21 January 2019, 09:42
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Brian
Well, here is Mr. Geckos reply.........
Hello Brian,
Thank you for your enquiry. The buckle on the chin strap will release at 70 kgs breaking weight.
Gecko Head Gear Ltd
I have absolutely no idea if this what "we" want to hear.
my thoughts are its not a safety feature thats why no mention on the web site 70kgs is a lot of weight more than 3 bags of cement from B&Q so do they ignore the bucket effect as being low risk as the rest of your body breaks the water before your head gets there. i know from experience jumping off quatsides[ 40 foot] with a kirby morgan dive hat on it has no bucket effect the neck dam has a greater surface area than a gecko too.
21 January 2019, 09:43
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Xk59D
Try a seal skin balaclava with neck dude, water stays on outside of the float suit or whatever you have on. That is my next purchase for sure.
Xk59D have you a link to the seal skin balaclava ive had a look but can't find one.
cheers jeff
21 January 2019, 11:49
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Originally Posted by Brian
Well, here is Mr. Geckos reply.........
Hello Brian,
Thank you for your enquiry. The buckle on the chin strap will release at 70 kgs breaking weight.
Gecko Head Gear Ltd
I have absolutely no idea if this what "we" want to hear.
Well done Brian but bloody ell, 70kg! Those Geckos must be heavy!
Me and my partner use full flip face bike helmets because we're bikers an' 'ard.
I know of the bucket effect but I've never fallen overboard at any speed and certainly never intend to - especially at high speed - so I'll take my chance.
The water ingress issue and the floating issue are just silly asides imho.
21 January 2019, 15:34
Country: UK - Isle of Man
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Originally Posted by jwalker
Well done Brian but bloody ell, 70kg! Those Geckos must be heavy!
Quite so.
Accordingly I have emailed the RNLI to see what their comments are on this subject.
As soon as..etc etc
"Ribbing-the most expensive way of travelling third class"
21 January 2019, 18:40
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Brian
Quite so.
Accordingly I have emailed the RNLI to see what their comments are on this subject.
As soon as..etc etc
There's a piece in the gecko link I copied, the RNLI use to use them but sort an alternative because of the motorbike helmets when wet were heavy and posed an HS issue (neck injury) of course legislation caught up with a spec for safely helmets and obviously where's there pain there's a claim so that was to be avoided with specific kit fit for purpose.
21 January 2019, 18:53
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 2,934
Originally Posted by jeffstevens763@g
Xk59D have you a link to the seal skin balaclava ive had a look but can't find one.
cheers jeff
My bad, I was thinking gloves.
But there are a lot of options depending on what you want, example-
21 January 2019, 20:09
Country: UK - England
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Make: Excel 435
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Originally Posted by Xk59D
Cheers got on their site doesn't look like they do one bought one similar to your link waterproof, charcoal filter, designed to disperse breath will work well under my gath helmet
21 January 2019, 22:51
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Originally Posted by Brian
I have absolutely no idea if this what "we" want to hear.
Hayley could probably brush up her sales pitch - but I am sure that M/C and cycling helmet standards are written the other way around - they must not fail even at the applied test load. So it does suggest these would be safer if the water trying to rip the helmet off is equivalent to a small adult hanging from your chin!
22 January 2019, 02:12
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I don't know if you guys on the other side of the pond do this, but here in the USA, we have professional freshwater bass fishing tournaments. These guys spend thousands on their bass boats so that they go really fast, like 75-85mph or more. Because the windscreen does not offer much protection, they have to be creative with things to protect their face.
My boat does not go anywhere near that fast, but I have an issue with the cold wind and saltwater spray blowing in my face also. Even with sunglasses on, my eyes water like crazy. So, I decided I wanted something for face protection. I looked for something that the bass tournament pros use, as stated above. Here is the website:
Save Phace | WORLDS Sickest Tactical Mask and ONLY Sports Utility Mask and Extreme Protection Mask
I purchased this model and love it. It comes with a clear shield, but you can get a smoke colored lens for it. You can also wear regular or sunglasses underneath.
22 January 2019, 05:20
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Interesting option and sure it helps - although it looks a bit like batman and before going into a bank better to take it off [emoji16]
soon Evinrude ETEC G2 150H.O.
22 January 2019, 15:42
Country: USA
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You would be surprised at how many designs they have. They are pretty cool.
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