Originally Posted by abyss
Now we talking...
Originally Posted by abyss
In another words even if my shaft is bit shorter then the transom at the mounting place I could compensate this by moving engine further back...makes sense. But I don't think you can compensate 7 inch. ?
I was thinking more along the lines of your current engine being one of the twins! (not knowing the cav plate - transom relation of the photo further back in the thread)
Originally Posted by abyss
Good to know for the future, but know I'm going twin and looking for twins or single to match.found one in Germany , have spoken to the seller he claims it was driven without oil for some time.3 cylinders have no compression. Would cost me 1225 delivered. Is it worth it?
For an engine that age with those facts on display more like 122.5... if you can be bothered searching I got a used Merc Clamshell for £200 wirh no guarantees. It ran fine, if a little lethargic.
The next bit is where I went "D'oh"

Basically I figured the HT leads were shot, and replaced them. Then found the previous owner had obviously tried to make it go better by fiddling with every adjuster screw on the engine. So I fixed the fuel - air mix etc. and took it out for a spin..... It sang like an F1 car ...for about 20 seconds...when the piston rings were forced into the exhaust ports by the spectacularly advanced spark which I hadnlt touched coz I knew it would potentially kill the engine..... but should have realised the guy who didn't notice the f***ed spark plug leads and adjusted every screw under the cowl might have also messed weioth the spark advance......

So, one rebore, a new set of oversize pistons and a replacement gasket / oil seal kit later (granted I did a lot of the rebuild myself) and it cost me....£1200.
so no, I wouldn't touch that engine at that price unless he is selling in pesetas. But don't loose heart, there will be plenty more where that came from...... you can be setting the other one up while you look!
True, but if he then buys an aux it's still 2 engines to service........ and as Abyss seems to be a bit of a "DIY" kind of a guy that isn't the "Dealer price" scary cost it might be.