Recently completed a couple of floors and polyester resin is probably what you should use as this is what most boats were built with. I know there is debate on its adhesion vs epoxy to the wood however; I have never had any adhesion issues. I would also treat the underside and the edges of the deck prior to fitting.
Two layers of 450g chopped matt should suffice and ensue all surfaces you are glassing to have had the gel coat removed and are cleaned down. I normally do a final wipe down with acetone - use sparingly as it can be corrosive on the surfaces.
With the consoles and seats etc you could screw down with stainless steel screws, combined with 3 layers of 450g chopped strand (I have fitted some with no screws and have not had one break free yet). The key to all of this is preparation and ensure you work the fibreglass thoroughly with a roller and brush with the objective of having no air bubbles.
When mixing your resin start out with a small amount as it can go off reasonably quickly and have all you fibreglass cut to shape to avoid any delays. Finally work in a well ventilated area!
Hope this helps