23 October 2007, 19:30
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Fireworks and RIBS
As is customary for me, early next month I shall navigate out onto the grand River Thames in my RIB, heading to the centre of our nation's great capital in order to observe the firework displays that the Regions of the United Kingdom can only dream of.
I am considering adding to these displays by letting off various fireworks of my own including some substantial rockets whilst at anchor outside parliament (a suitable area to celebrate the memory of Guy Fawkes I believe)
My question is, are there any particular dangers with letting off fireworks from a RIB that I need to be aware of?
I shall of course be wearing a life preserver and utilising the kill cord feature.
23 October 2007, 19:35
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Are you having a laugh?
23 October 2007, 19:37
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Maybe he's chartered it to Al Queda???
23 October 2007, 19:41
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This HAS to be a windup, right?
1)Basic law of physics-every action has an equal and opposite reaction. IE unless you've got a 20' tube, your rockets will be firing their exhausts into your boat.
2)Fire,fibreglass and fuel are a VERY bad combination.
3) You'll be lucky if the police don't shoot you if you're near parliament with explosives.
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23 October 2007, 19:49
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Originally Posted by timw
My question is, are there any particular dangers with letting off fireworks from a RIBEYE that I need to be aware of?
 Where does one start?! You might be better off putting a match to the Ribeye and saving the fireworks.
23 October 2007, 20:04
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Perhaps he should change his name to Guy Faulks.
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
23 October 2007, 20:19
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Tim I reckon you would be fine it should be a great show. let me know where and when so I can bring the video camera
23 October 2007, 20:27
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Originally Posted by timw
I am considering adding to these displays by letting off various fireworks of my own including some substantial rockets whilst at anchor outside parliament (a suitable area to celebrate the memory of Guy Fawkes I believe)
My question is, are there any particular dangers with letting off fireworks from a RIB that I need to be aware of?
That is one of the most stupid ideas i have heard in a long time. Have you heard of the Darwin Awards?
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23 October 2007, 20:29
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It will be perfectly safe - he has done a risk assessment........
23 October 2007, 20:31
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Originally Posted by codprawn
It will be perfectly safe - he has done a risk assessment........
It should read "Risky as f--k".
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23 October 2007, 20:44
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23 October 2007, 20:47
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gone fishing....
Originally Posted by timw
I shall of course be wearing a life preserver and utilising the kill cord feature.
 Dunno what the problem is.. Sounds like you have all safety issues covered.. You may wish to have a bucket handy incase a stray spark heads towards any flammable container, (though I trust you are carrying a fire extinguisher, (and spare,) fire blanket, (and spare,) hand operated water pump, (and spare,).) And just incase those afore mentioned items fail, may I suggest you drink 10-15 pints of a yeast and hop based liquid, you would then be able to widdle on any stray sparks before they caused any damage..
23 October 2007, 20:56
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Originally Posted by tcwozere
And just incase those afore mentioned items fail, may I suggest you drink 10-15 pints of a yeast and hop based liquid, you would then be able to widdle on any stray sparks before they caused any damage.. 
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23 October 2007, 21:51
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I wouldn't be pointing anything so delicate at fireworks if I where you
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23 October 2007, 22:31
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God I hope Mr Fuller picks up on this thread soon - He'll have a Field day.
23 October 2007, 22:35
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And he will be joined by his Taliban mates
23 October 2007, 22:35
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Originally Posted by Nasher
God I hope Mr Fuller picks up on this thread soon - He'll have a Field day.
I think he's still banned. It's a shame we can't just trot him out on a lead for special occasions like this
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24 October 2007, 07:44
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Originally Posted by Biggles
Very good Biggles..........Tim Nice But Dim.
Kinda guess we were all thinking that!!!
24 October 2007, 07:55
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You lot are Kill joys, Dont stop the man its the best idea i have heard this year.
Let BBC, SKY and ITV news know and just to be sure get it on "you tube" This will make BIG news because he is the main man
Sure to make the Queens new year honours list
24 October 2007, 08:02
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Examples of Darwin Award winners include:
--juggling active hand grenades (Croatia, 2001),[6]
--jumping out of a plane to film skydivers without wearing a parachute (U.S., 1987),[7]
--trying to get enough light to look down the barrel of a loaded gun using a cigarette lighter (U.S., 1996),[8]
--using a lighter to illuminate a fuel tank to make sure it contains nothing flammable (Brazil, 2003), (This method is not entirely original: a mid-1950's Burma-Shave commercial reads:"He lit a match /to check a tank. /That's why they call him /Skinless Frank.")
--attempting to play Russian roulette with a semi-automatic pistol that automatically reloads the next round into the chamber,[9]
--crashing through a window and falling to your death in trying to demonstrate that the window is unbreakable,[10]
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