11 December 2014, 20:42
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First Pictures of the new Osprey SeaSport Console
Over the years Ribnet has been a second home for Osprey and we have so many customers that keep in touch via Ribnet that we thought it would be the best place to post some pictures of the new Console we have been working on.
As ever with consoles I am sure some will love it and some will hate it however we think we have got the right balance of form, ergonomics and function with a large flat area for instruments, plotters, VHF etc. whilst managing to have a much smoother and curvacious profile.
The overall footprint of the console has been reduced by incorporating the front bench seat into the front of the console. So deck space is increased in front of the console which can either by filled with the new Sundeck we have moulded or just left open  Also there is space down either side so no walking over tubes...!
The front opening door that will have gas struts fitted gives good access to all the rigging and there will still be storage space under the bench seat.
11 December 2014, 20:48
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I do like that Mate 
Right Colour too!
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11 December 2014, 21:03
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looks promising. How about having the option of making the recess at the front into a locker rather than a suicide seat?
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11 December 2014, 21:15
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Originally Posted by Pikey Dave
looks promising. How about having the option of making the recess at the front into a locker rather than a suicide seat?
Thanks Dave. If there was a need then we could just mould a different front door. There is some decent storage space under the seat already.
The other question we have been asked is to fit a portaloo in there...!
11 December 2014, 21:33
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I like it! You have a much improved range of consoles than when I bought mine back in 2007. Think it would be even better for Osprey if there were an alternative door option as Dave has suggested as not everyone wants seating up front. Fit a side curtain between the inside of the door and console and when it opens it would give privacy to anyone on the loo.
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11 December 2014, 21:42
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Originally Posted by Hightower
I like it! You have a much improved range of consoles than when I bought mine back in 2007. Think it would be even better for Osprey if there were an alternative door option as Dave has suggested as not everyone wants seating up front. Fit a side curtain between the inside of the door and console and when it opens it would give privacy to anyone on the loo.
I really don't fancy helming a rib about with a portaloo sloshing around in the console. Its not an option I see many people going for Andy
Chris Stevens
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11 December 2014, 21:49
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Originally Posted by Chris
I really don't fancy helming a rib about with a portaloo sloshing around in the console. Its not an option I see many people going for Andy 
It's an important option to have in the "playlist". Many's the boat gets specced with the final stamp of approval coming from the "significant other". Pee facilities are critical. They never use them, but it gets the boat past the Financial Controller. Other than that, the flat surfaces are good - everyone is about the lekkie now. Personally, the Hammond Organ crossed with a Commode Console leaves me cold, but it'll be huge down Sarf...
12 December 2014, 08:42
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Originally Posted by Chris
I really don't fancy helming a rib about with a portaloo sloshing around in the console. Its not an option I see many people going for Andy 
Nope! Me neither!...we all seem to manage,even when in large groups like the Scotish Gang get togther.
I suppose its be differnt on a Big Cabin Boat or even "CRIB"....RIB X CARAVAN = "CRIB"
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12 December 2014, 09:01
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Pat on the back for breaking the mould and going for a new one although half of it looks like it came from a previous model..That would be a large amount of weight for such a big removeable panel up front. Could you not just used inspection panels to get access to electrics. That way it will be more rigid. General movement will create wear and (fibreglass on fibreglass)gelcoat removal with that system and the first picture does look like a fibreglass armchair.
What about a built in a throttle plyth in the centre on the dash? Whether it be lowered/raised section instead of it being so slab fronted. Its just basically a totally flat dashboard.
I really hope you or someone can stick with it and take this historic Iconic brand forward for the future!
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12 December 2014, 09:23
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Originally Posted by matt h
That would be a large amount of weight for such a big removeable panel up front. Could you not just used inspection panels to get access to electrics. That way it will be more rigid. General movement will create wear and gelcoat removal with that system and the first picture does look like a fibregalss armchair.!
No issue with weight, this is actually quite a common design for a number of consoles in the market such as Technohull and Scorpion.
Originally Posted by matt h
What about a built in a throttle plyth in the centre on the dash? Whether it be lowered/raised section instead of it being so slab fronted.
Based on the throttles we fit the position is fine for the helm, there are also spacers available to lift the throttle further off the console if someone has particularly short arms !
12 December 2014, 09:35
Country: UK - England
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Personally I like "Slab Fronted" as it gives you a large flat area to play with for fitting toys. One of the problems I had with BP was shoehorning all the bits into the available space. The Ribcraft Pacific console at the time had a break 2/3rds of the way up the front face, which may have enhanced the aesthetics, but made it a bugger to fit 2 8"plotters to. The console is now available without the break, to aid fitting large plotters etc.
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12 December 2014, 11:24
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Whats the shelf for ? possible drop / lip to stop stuff falling out ? I never know why they are there nothing ever stays put unless you wedge it between screen and console...
12 December 2014, 12:23
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Already fitted one like this, becoming more popular
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12 December 2014, 13:08
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For sure a very nice console but nothing new as a concept. Here is a photo of Nauti Buoy in 2007. Martini II & Never Enough have the same.
12 December 2014, 13:31
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Originally Posted by Andre
For sure a very nice console but nothing new as a concept.
Not sure anyone claimed that it was?
12 December 2014, 14:23
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Think the clue might be in the title!
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12 December 2014, 15:27
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Originally Posted by matt h
Think the clue might be in the title!
It says new Osprey console, not "revolutionary new console design unlike anything seen before".
That's my interpretation anyway...
12 December 2014, 15:44
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Looks nice, like the idea by someone of having the front as a locker of some thoughts, the suicide seat is a bit old hat in my huble opinion, what about having two versions one with a locker in front and one with suicide seat option.
A small glovebox would be useful or a shellf to stick bits and bobs on, and a grab rail around the top is really usefull.
I do love the fact the front opens up to get at rigging, one thing that is a pain in the head, back and arse on my Cobra is I cant get at rigging without bending various ways and then its a tight squeeze to get at stuff.
12 December 2014, 16:19
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Originally Posted by matt h
this historic Iconic brand !
Do you work in marketing?
12 December 2014, 16:22
Country: UK - England
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Noooo. But they did make very good racing ribs some time ago with a fab looking double racey styleee jockey consol as fitted to the Lynx version
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