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Old 20 December 2006, 16:45   #1
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First RIB

Hi, I am looking at getting a RIB for general sport use and a bit of cruising. I have been looking at what you can get for around £5K on and I have found a couple of boats that I like the look of, Both are Ribtec one is 5.6 with twin 40HP yamahas the other is a 5.85 with no engine I think both are about 14 years old but appear to be well looked after.

Are Ribtec a respectable brand? and what are the dangers to look out for when buying a RIB this old?

Also apart from redundancy what are the pros / cons of a twin engine set up on this size of boat, do you get the same performance out of twin 40HP engines as opposed to a single larger engine?

Lots of questions so thanks to any of you that take the time to read!

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Old 20 December 2006, 17:20   #2
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Hi - I'd guess you have probably seen this (see link) already (or it has sold) as this is smaller than what you have been looking at but if still for sale, is a very good buy (looking at the spec and pictures) and it has only done 137hrs - I'd offer them something under 5k and see what they say this time of year! ...

Ribtec from what I have seen and heard have a pretty good reputation (I'm sure someone here will be able to give you the full story on them), but I think the most important thing with buying a RIB on a budget is the engine - as new and as reliable as possible is what I went for when I bought my rib (my personal opinion is that a 4stroke would be a big bonus in this price range). Hope this helps.
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Old 20 December 2006, 21:16   #3
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Originally Posted by Chris1573 View Post
Also apart from redundancy what are the pros / cons of a twin engine set up on this size of boat, do you get the same performance out of twin 40HP engines as opposed to a single larger engine?

Lots of questions so thanks to any of you that take the time to read!

Apparently (according to some on here) you lose about 30% of the power with twins. I'm looking at a Mac plastic boat at the moment and the supplier advises I'd get similar top speed from twin 60s as from a single 80. So naturally I will be going for a single 115 (max HP rating 120hp)

I would like twins but with modern outboards seemingly being fairly reliable I'm going to stick with a single engine and the 6hp aux I already have. And a radio my other half runs another department of our company that operates 2 launches so a tow home is always an option
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Old 21 December 2006, 00:21   #4
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I know nothing about Ribtecs since they don't seem to exist over here, but before I bought my boat, I spent a lot of time researching the twin vs. single question.

In a nutshell, even the guys that sold the engines advised against twins: higher initial cost, higher ongoing maintenance cost, higher fuel consumption, increased weight for trailering, decreased performance and so on. Then they all added the comment... "unless you really need the safety afforded by redundancy" or words to that effect.

As it turns out, I ended up buying a used boat with a single engine, so the problem sorted itself out.

The thing is though, that if I was buying another boat, I would still consider twins and run the numbers. My reason is exactly the one that the experts pointed out. Over here, I use my boat a long way offshore quite frequently, and I generally can spend an entire day on the water and literally not see another boat until I am within spitting distance of the harbour. Furthermore, on two occassions, I have suffered complete engine meltdowns (i.e. blown cylinder) on a meticulously maintained engine. Only by luck, once I was 100 feet from my home dock, and the second time I was only 2 miles out from my home port and even though it was late at night, I was easily able to secure a tow from a friend. I am always concerned about having a serious breakdown when I am 40 miles out, but so far it hasn't happened!

So all in, if you are using your boat in distant locals, with little chance of rescue, then you should consider twins, assuming the extra cost doesn't kill you. Possibly an auxilary engine might be a middle ground...
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Old 21 December 2006, 08:01   #5
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Chris, the 585 without an engine was Jimbos rib now belongs to Tim M and has a 115 Merc on the stern. She was out on the Solent cruise last Saturday. You could try a pm to Tim M to see if he wants to sell either her or his 5.6m Osprey Eagle

The other one with twin 40s (which are manual starts btw, and will keep you fit ) is probably a 5.3m Ribtec and a much smaller boat and will probably measure 5.15 with a tape measure. Those engines will be slow and thirsty.

Tims Osprey, which are tough little boats could be a good buy. Do a search on Ribnet for the pictures of her refurbishment.

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Old 21 December 2006, 08:13   #6
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Originally Posted by Pete7 View Post
Chris, the 585 without an engine was Jimbos rib now belongs to Tim M and has a 115 Merc on the stern. She was out on the Solent cruise last Saturday. You could try a pm to Tim M to see if he wants to sell either her or his 5.6m Osprey Eagle

The other one with twin 40s (which are manual starts btw, and will keep you fit ) is probably a 5.3m Ribtec and a much smaller boat and will probably measure 5.15 with a tape measure. Those engines will be slow and thirsty.

Tims Osprey, which are tough little boats could be a good buy. Do a search on Ribnet for the pictures of her refurbishment.

Great advert for the Rib, it's full of water!
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Old 21 December 2006, 08:19   #7
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Originally Posted by Nick Hearne View Post
Great advert for the Rib, it's full of water!
Always seems to happen with those funny little rib thingies, now a nice cabin sports boat.......

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Old 21 December 2006, 08:35   #8
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Originally Posted by Pete7 View Post
Always seems to happen with those funny little rib thingies, now a nice cabin sports boat.......

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Old 21 December 2006, 12:23   #9
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older ribtecs were made inthe UK (pre 2002) hulls were laminated by TRio mouldings (excellent quality work) and the toobs were made by Henshaws who also know exactly what they are doing!

so at the right price they represent a good buy. I have never seen a ribtec with a wiring job however that was any good so be prepared to rewire them , that's good advice for any used boat really. i personally think that 5k is a lot to pay for a 14 year old boat unless the engine/s is/are a lot newer!

what arethe lumps on the boats and how old are they
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Old 21 December 2006, 13:31   #10
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Originally Posted by Pete7 View Post
Always seems to happen with those funny little rib thingies, now a nice cabin sports boat.......

Mr 6 (you've been downgraded!)
I seem to recall you doing your best to fill your cabin boat with water a few times on it's maiden voyage, usually whenever the wave pattern got complicated!.

Mr 1573
I have had a look at both of those boats on the site and I think the one with twins is a cracker. Yammies are superb 2 strokes and if they have been regularly serrviced they will have years left in them. Take a compression tester with you to find out that the cylinders are OK.

The other RIB Greyhound has had a hard life and ain't worth what is being asked. Boat trailer and broken engine 3.6 k tops. The previous owner Jimbo did some work on Greyhound when he first bought her and he used our facilities and I gave him a hand with a few things so I know the boat quite well.
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Old 21 December 2006, 14:22   #11
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post

Mr 1573
I have had a look at both of those boats on the site and I think the one with twins is a cracker.....

The other RIB Greyhound has had a hard life and ain't worth what is being asked.
I think both these boats have actually sold however It goes to show how missleading pictures can be, I thought that Greyhound looked exceptionally tidy from the pics. When you say it had a hard life what do you mean by this any info now could save me from making the same mistake when I find another boat.

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Old 21 December 2006, 15:27   #12
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Originally Posted by Nick Hearne View Post
Great advert for the Rib, it's full of water!
That will have been my fault for leaving the elephants trunk down (photo was taken during a PB2 course at Gravesend).
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Old 21 December 2006, 15:33   #13
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Originally Posted by Chris1573 View Post
I think both these boats have actually sold however It goes to show how missleading pictures can be, I thought that Greyhound looked exceptionally tidy from the pics. When you say it had a hard life what do you mean by this any info now could save me from making the same mistake when I find another boat.
Chris, I would take Stu's comments with a pinch of Salt. Stu's help was invaluable when I first bought the boat - he gave very helpful advice on a few things and helped me to completely re-wire the nav lights. I think it would be doing the previous owner (Andy) a gross injustice to say that the boat has had a hard life - he always looked after her incredibly well and kept the hull and tubes in great condition.

When I took over Greyhound I had the engine fixed, and started using her for RYA Training Courses. She was used an awful lot over the year - however I repaired more than was worn! She benefitted from brand new grab lines, a complete compound and polish from Dave at Boat Care Uk, a thorough tube clean, and hydraulic steering fitted (amongst other things). Nasher on Ribnet kindly fitted a brand new axle, tow hitch, brakes and brake cables and larger wheels to the trailer, and I replaced most of the rollers and roller arms. The boat has always been stored under cover, and despite being a 1992 boat she does look as the pictures show her to be - well looked after.

When I sold her to Tim M, he replaced the engine, tidied all the cables together, fitted brand new electronics and had new panels made to cover any holes in the console left by old electronics.

The only 2 things I would update on her are the rubbing strake (this is in good condition, however is peeling away from the tubes in places) and I would replace the treadmaster flooring with non slip paint, as bits of that have chipped away.

If Tim is selling her, she would be worth taking a look at - she may have had a varied life, and seen some use, but she has been extremely well cared for; certainly by Andy, and to a lesser extent myself.

Again, Tim's Osprey has benefitted from a full refit, and the before and after photos are quite impressive! Worth a look...
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Old 21 December 2006, 15:38   #14
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Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
Chris, I would take Stu's comments with a pinch of Salt. ...

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Old 21 December 2006, 15:40   #15
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post

Maybe when I've had a little more experience, something I am sadly lacking, I'll just totally ignore them!
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Old 21 December 2006, 15:42   #16
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Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post

Maybe when I've had a little more experience, something I am sadly lacking, I'll just totally ignore them!
nah your just full of Bull.!
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Old 21 December 2006, 16:33   #17
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave View Post
I have had a look at both of those boats on the site and I think the one with twins is a cracker. Yammies are superb 2 strokes and if they have been regularly serrviced they will have years left in them.
They are mariner 2 cly 40s, which are reliable enough, just they always cough and splutter at tickover and will be a pain with manual pull starts. Not convinced its 5.5m either more like the 535 model which will be 5.15m in length and quite narrow beamed compared to the much wider 585

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Old 21 December 2006, 18:06   #18
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Pete I noticed that the 585 looks a lot wider and that appealed to me as I could see how easy it would be to modify the seating to pretty much anything you could want.

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Old 21 December 2006, 18:09   #19
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Jimbo thanks for the heads up on Greyhound, if it comes up for sale I would certainly take a look, as with any car, if its been well used but looked after thats more desirable than a boat that has seen little use yet not been cared for.

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Old 21 December 2006, 20:19   #20
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Up in Norfolk without decent internet at the moment so only just saw this thread.

My Osprey is for sale at the moment on B&O for £3k ovno. As can been seen in the photo shes in very tidy condition. As Jimbo says shes full of water as she was left on the Thames overnight in October with the trunk down.

I bough Greyhound off Jimbo about a month ago now. Since aquiring her I've fitted new electronics (navman vhf, garmin plotter, depth etc) rewired the nav lights (this time with the wires inside the a-frame!) new ariel, etc etc an replaced the engine with the 2005 Merc 115 that was on the Osprey. The trailer has had most of the roller brackets and rollers replaced, so everything is in good working order. The boat has been cleaned and will have a full hull polish in the New Year. The only thing that needs to be done to her now really is the rubbing strake which is something I will be looking into when I bring her back down south in Jan. Shes' not currently for sale but probably will be in the not soo distant future so keep an eye on B&O......
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