Hi all, I am considering buying my first RIB. It will be trailered to various launch slips and mainly used for fishing. Mostly on my own but sometimes 3 of us, 2 adults and my 6 yr old grandson.
I'd have thought the tohatsu was the better buy. There both fairly budget boats so similar in terms of quality but the valiant has an old school two stroke rope start engine and probably a lot older than the boat I suspect it's the boat that's some 6 hours not the engine the engine is probably 10+years old (someone may be able to date it better than I can)
The tohatsu has an evinrude etec by The looks which is newer 2 stroke technology it's also electric start and comes with the genuine control box. The valiant has a generic box and may not have a kill cord. The tohatsu is also the larger boat and size matters at this size . The valiant will probably be quicker as I'd imagine it's on the max hp where the tohatsu is probably down from it's max rating but it leaves scope to upgrade the engine later if you desire
My bit is for the tohatsu