Hi everyone,
This week we took delivery of our first RIB.
So excited

spent pretty much the entire winter stuck in an obsessive cycle of research + checking ebay, gumtree, B&O, FAFB etc. on a near constant basis. On the journey I spoke to a number of really helpful RIBnet members, most recently Alex at Custom Rib who is a top guy and gave us loads of advice. We seriously considered a handful of boats, each of which we ended up discounting for various reasons.
In the end, we tracked down a fantastic 91' Avon Searider 4.7 in the commercial rescue spec with twin Yamaha 30DEO 6J8s on the back:
The boat was originally built for an expedition to Ireland but has been stored in a barn for much of its life ever since.
Have spent a couple of days detailing and working out what we need to do before getting her in the water. Going to treat the outboards to a DIY service with new oil, plugs, filters, impellers etc. Also plan to give them a dose of SeaFoam additive + Power Tune for the carbs (bad idea?). Got a few other bits to sort, including re-painting that box on top of the console - it's a bit odd, but probably going to keep it on for this season, same with the high gain aerial, although I'd ideally move it to the transom. Couple of very tiny gel repairs to do on the hull, and a polish. And a cover. $$$
In true style I've already been a complete tit and pulled the seals off the engine cowls 'to give them a proper clean'. One went back on with the aid of a heat gun (but I fear it is going to pop off again), the other refused to stay put and finally snapped due to the abuse

Its a clean break, right in the middle at the back by the latch so I'm wondering if I can spot glue to the cowl in the corners for this season and maybe consider ordering a proper replacement later on (not convinced that would stay put anyway). Anyway, going to try my best not to 'fix' anything else which isn't broken for the time being...
Only other thing I've noticed is slight damage to the starboard prop, honestly don't know if this warrants replacing immediately, but I will do if it's going to cause problems with vibration or significant loss of performance:
Anyway, thought I should share this here as I've taken so much useful information from this site over the last six months

and will no doubt have lots of questions to ask over the coming weeks...
Cheers! R