09 August 2006, 14:35
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Has anyone actually seen a fish on a fishfinder?
09 August 2006, 14:49
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yeah millions of 'em...probably too many
09 August 2006, 15:13
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But I've seen our divers and their exhaled air showing as "noise" or "clutter"
New boat is here, very happy!
09 August 2006, 16:38
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Originally Posted by Andy Moore
Has anyone actually seen a fish on a fishfinder?
Only got it as a depth sounder. But now that you have mentioned it
Don’t think so… got a Garmin B&W one should it show a wee fish symbol or are all the dots between the sea floor and the boat fish ??
“The only difference between men and boys, is the price and size of their toys”
09 August 2006, 17:03
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Originally Posted by Andy Moore
Has anyone actually seen a fish on a fishfinder?
Yep and I’ve caught one or two
However, I’m reasonable convinced that the FF will occasionally show a fish that isn't there just to justify its existence
But if you get out in Hurst narrows as the tide turns you can see the mackerel on the FF and you can catch them (well sometimes)  Des
09 August 2006, 17:20
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all the time , but at the weekend it was showing fish swimming past right on the surface ? .
09 August 2006, 17:21
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If I use mine around the training bank outside Poole it shows thousands of tiny fish as the tide goes out.
It took me ages to figure out it was actually shreds of seaweed.
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09 August 2006, 18:03
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We had a Hummingbird fish finder which worked realy well
09 August 2006, 18:16
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Well I found the mackerel to be difficult to distinguish from seaweed apart from depth because this fish has no swim bladder so there's little echo on the fishfinder. Most other fishes do have one and appear quite clearly, I use a cheapo Hummingbird Piranha 15x and am quite happy with it for the price, freezer's full of the small buggers.
09 August 2006, 18:26
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Originally Posted by mdt
now that you have mentioned it
Don’t think so…
thats cause there aint no fish where you go! Between the discharge from the pertrochemical works and the radioactive beach they have long since been wiped out!
09 August 2006, 18:47
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Garmin 120 and it's superb. Have caught fish as well.
10 August 2006, 01:06
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My Raymarine C80 with the DSM300 fishfinder module is brilliant. Loads of detail and the fish show up really well. Of course you often can't tell exactly what you are seeing but you get to learn it after a while.
In our harbour there are loads of big Mullet and they show up a treat. One day the fishfinder display was going nuts - looked over the side and a massive cloud of jellyfish.
Most awesome of all was a few weeks ago when I thought the fishfinder had gone wrong. One minute it said 20 feet - the next 60 feet of water. The chart confirmed we were in 60' - realised why it was going wrong - it just couldn't see the bottom because there were so many mackrel. Mates caught 331 in a few hours!!! Don't worry - all were eaten but not by me - can't bear to eat my relatives!!!
10 August 2006, 07:32
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Originally Posted by Polwart
thats cause there aint no fish where you go! Between the discharge from the pertrochemical works and the radioactive beach they have long since been wiped out!
yes there is you cheeky git. Got 5 (fish) the other week.
Just could not tell if the fish finder was showing them up before hand. Shows the seabed and depth very nicely.
So you not wanting to use the radioactive slipway next time???
“The only difference between men and boys, is the price and size of their toys”
10 August 2006, 08:34
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Originally Posted by codprawn
Mates caught 331 in a few hours!!!
Gross overkill in my opinion.
10 August 2006, 09:41
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Originally Posted by codprawn
....all were eaten but not by me - can't bear to eat my relatives!!!
10 August 2006, 12:02
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Originally Posted by Andy Moore
Gross overkill in my opinion. 
A few less than a trawler I can assure you!!! I gave up after 10 fish but these people were from the Gambia and aren't very well off. In their own country fish is their staple diet. They froze a load and will live off them for weeks. I called over a few days later and was offered some fish to eat with them. I don't like Mackrell anyway but what really turned me was when I saw how they ate them - heads and all - yuch!!!
No wastage at all - it would have been criminal otherwise. I very rarely go fishing - and throw back most of them!!!
03 September 2006, 13:46
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I have a hummingbird fishfinder and I use it to mark fish on the local lakes and rivers. With some succes here in the northwest, I am able to get lucky and land a few salmon.
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