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Old 20 December 2009, 01:26   #1
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Fitting a 5.30 rib

Hello all

Need some tech advise on the following from you expert ribbers...

1-A central console with front seat must be placed in middle of sib deck or could be placed towards right tube, what about better rib side balance, with few mates, center would be best ? Right ?

2-If you go for a 14" mechanical steering system, must you match engine control box same lenght, that is 14" cables, box will be placed on right side of console, same height as steering wheel. Would 14" cables be ok for a 5.30 meter rib, how much near the bow space will that lenght cable provide to console & seat ?

3-What is the ideal position to install a central console with front seat and a driver's seat for 3 mates in total, 1/2 - 3/4 towards bow ? Will asume the shorter distance to bow the better, right. Or it's a matter to test under trial & error, the engine has no electric trim.

The rib is not available at the moment, must import all fittings, must be sure about cable lenghts as there are not available to lend and try best console position Thanks in advance for any input.

Happy Ribbing
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Old 20 December 2009, 10:15   #2
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LZ - I think your cable lengths should be determined by the console fore-aft position not the other way round. The console fore-aft position should be determined by balance etc for your intended use. Where you keep your fuel, battery etc can also affect trim. I think 9d280 was suggesting that the steering and engine control cables may not be the same length. (1) the steering cable has to find its way out the console the engine cables start off on the outside (2) the steering cable does not need any "slack" to move when the engine pivots/rotates/tilts - the control cables do (3) the control cables need to go slightly further back on the engine.
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Old 20 December 2009, 13:44   #3
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Originally Posted by Locozodiac View Post

1-A central console with front seat must be placed in middle of sib deck or could be placed towards right tube, what about better rib side balance, with few mates, center would be best ? Right ?
There are a few boat (Avon Searider) in particular that offset the console slightly to one side to allow more working space (for a casualty) down one side. They did this with boats as small as 4m. depending upno your set up there will be a better side to offset to.

Originally Posted by Locozodiac View Post
2-If you go for a 14" mechanical steering system, must you match engine control box same lenght, that is 14" cables, box will be placed on right side of console, same height as steering wheel. Would 14" cables be ok for a 5.30 meter rib, how much near the bow space will that lenght cable provide to console & seat ?
I am assuming you mean 14' not 14" . It does not follow that steering and throttle cable will be the same length. Position the box in a position that will allow the cables the least amount of bends making their way to the stern. Avoid any 90 degree bends. Position the box on the side you prefer, for me that port but its personal preference. As said above don't let the cable length dictate the console position. Put the console where you want it and then buy the appropriate length cables. cables that are slightly to long are better than cables too short.

Originally Posted by Locozodiac View Post
3-What is the ideal position to install a central console with front seat and a driver's seat for 3 mates in total, 1/2 - 3/4 towards bow ? Will asume the shorter distance to bow the better, right. Or it's a matter to test under trial & error, the engine has no electric trim.
To far back and the bow ill lift and it will be hard to get on the plane. To far forward and the ride will become uncomfortable and wet.
Best starting point would be to search google images for other versions of the same boat. There is no simple answer as it will vary with engine weight, fuel tanks etc.

Good luck
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Old 22 December 2009, 22:11   #4
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Thanks mates, got the issue about steering and engine control box ok, will place a 13 feet NFSafe T ll round system central console to engine and work with needed engine cables as will assume that standard Yamaha 13 feet engine cables probably be too short. The sib has finally arrived to port, will be rigging after Christmas as the owner is driving me more cracy than usually am for his toy to be on water ASAP as summer is round the corner.

Was reading some tech issues about best steering cables settings, what do you think about this, would 6 feet be too much cable to add ?

Happy Ribbing
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Old 22 December 2009, 22:24   #5
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Originally Posted by Locozodiac View Post
Was reading some tech issues about best steering cables settings, what do you think about this, would 6 feet be too much cable to add ?
YES - add six inches (6") [not feet]
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Old 23 December 2009, 07:47   #6
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Don't forget that the schematic for measuring the cable length is based on a proper boat, with gunnels to run the cable. When fitting to a rib you have to allow a little extra for the drop and rise in the cable run.
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