I have a Merc 6hp 4 stroke that can only lie on one side, tiller lever down would you believe

, and I want to be able to sto it in the bow area strapped to the deck.
I have two U bolts in position to put a strap round the shaft just below the powerhead and hold it down to the deck, but I want to support the motor properly without putting too much weight on the side of the tiller, (partly caused by the retaining strap round the leg just under the power head). There is a bump stop further round the floorpan of the engine, for resting on a surface, but I think with all the thrashing its going to get that a proper support would be better, rather than just some matting.
Ideally some sort of resin moulding would be the answer so I can make a base that perfectly fits the powerhead and upper leg area, and so remove the point loading on the tiller handles side, and spread the power heads weight over its entire area, rather like a new telly.. or some electrical goods, which have moulded foam parts to fit the shape of the product being shipped
Any ideas peeps ?