I had a lovely spin out through a somewhat lumpy Severn Estuary to Flat holm island yesterday.
Having circumnavigated and passed it heading across the channel lots of times I had decided to get permission to land. A few emails put me in touch with the Warden who was really helpful and welcoming.
There are few options for landing on the island with the Severn Estuary tidal range so after anchoring up in the shelter of the island and heading ashore by tender, the Warden came to meet me and gave me a tour of the island taking in the Victorian and WW2 fortifications, gun emplacements, the pub (which she had offered to open for us!) the lighthouse foghorn and the remains of the cholera hospital.
Due to the tides I didn't have a great deal of time ashore but will be heading back in the future.
If anyone wants to plan a similar trip drop me a PM and I'll share the Warden's contact details.