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Old 09 July 2020, 06:27   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Cumbria
Boat name: Honwav t30 ae
Make: Honda
Length: 3m +
Engine: 15hp
Join Date: Feb 2019
Posts: 159
Flatacraft force 4. Is it possible


Got a nice flatacraft force 4.. great condition but need a new outboard.

I can go as high as 50 according to rating but looking at weight on transom this was based on the old 2 strokes and Wright less.

So could fit a 40 but looking at the cost of a 30hp it's a big difference..

Would you stretch to the 40 or would a 30 be a good match ? Or would it be under powered?

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Old 09 July 2020, 07:01   #2
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Our first F4 had a Chrysler 35 on it from new, which was 35 at the flywheel not the prop. it certainly did everything we wanted it to do. It was incredibly light though being premix etc.

The next F4 started with a DT40 on it, again flywheel rated, and was a bit quicker but a bit heavier as well with oil tank etc.

I only went even bigger as I wanted to go faster.

I'd say a heavy 30, at the prop, will be good enough, and you'll enjoy it, but you will soon want more power.

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Old 09 July 2020, 07:14   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Cumbria
Boat name: Honwav t30 ae
Make: Honda
Length: 3m +
Engine: 15hp
Join Date: Feb 2019
Posts: 159
Thx nasher

Thx , do u think the extra 1k for a 40 would be worth it ?

Also can take a 50 but again looking at 1.3 to 1.5k..

Appreciate your advice as want to keep this for long term.

And cash a bit tight at mo
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Old 09 July 2020, 07:41   #4
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Personally, I think the extra outlay now will save you money in the long term, as swapping to a bigger engine in a couple of years will inevitably cost more than the additional £1-1.5K now.

My old DT55 was too heavy/powerful really, and ruined the sweet F4 handling when pushing it a bit. I think it weighed @115Kgs.
It didn't handle at high speed because basically only the prop was in the water with just me in the boat, and jumping off a wave the stern would drop heavily into the trough.
But it was really quick, and that's what I wanted at the time.

I believe for example the ETEC 40 and ETEC 50 are the same weight, coincidentally @115kgs, so there would appear to be little point in the 40 as you don't have to open the throttle completely on the 50, or you could prop it for acceleration or towing.

If it was me I'd go for the 50HP, but would be careful and mindful of the handling at higher speeds and in rougher weather.

But, I'm currently in the middle of fitting a 225 Optimax to a 6.5M RIB rated at 150HP by the manufacturer, so might not be the the best person to advise you.

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Old 09 July 2020, 08:24   #5
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Honwav t30 ae
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Posts: 159
Thx nasher

Just had this offer ?

We only have left a Mariner 60hp two stroke, 2005 model, one owner, oil injection, £2500.

I’ll get this done shortly, the weight of it is 109kg (it’s a bigfoot gearbox) and I would estimate 300 to 500 hours.
Would it be 2 big and is it a ok on?

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Old 09 July 2020, 09:25   #6
Country: UK - England
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Or a evinrude 50 for around 4.2k
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Old 09 July 2020, 09:28   #7
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It's no heavier than my old DT, or a 40/50ETEC, but you'll need to watch you get it set up right and are careful with your throttle hand.

You will also need to strengthen the transom somehow. If nothing else get some better more beefy transom stays welded up from bigger tube with proper flat plates on the ends.
I did this when I fitted the 55 and had no more movement.

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Old 09 July 2020, 09:54   #8
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For your info:

In this image from the early/mid-90s:

Boat in the middle is our first one with the Chrysler 35HP which got sold to a family we used to holiday with in Devon each year.

The one on the Right is our second one when still fitted with the DT40HP.

The one on the left belonged to a guy who came over and asked a load of questions about the two boats one year, got taken out for a few rides that year, then turned up the following year with a brand new F4 fitted with a Yamaha 50HP.

It did fly, but was also light being a 90’s 2-stroke, and I’d say if you could find a really good condition one it would be ideal. Apart from the fuel/Oil consumption, reliability, etc.
We never saw him again after that year,

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Old 09 July 2020, 13:12   #9
Country: UK - England
Town: Cumbria
Boat name: Honwav t30 ae
Make: Honda
Length: 3m +
Engine: 15hp
Join Date: Feb 2019
Posts: 159
Great photo .

Thx , still looking for a outboard hope to find a appropriate one soon... Folk advertising on net do not have the price they say ... Then try and sell u a more expensive one when I ring up ... It's crap
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