Hi folks,
Got this RIB about a month ago and it was in a very poor state. It had 2 slashes in the tubes and a rubbing strake that was just about hanging on.
We took it down to see the guys at SIT in Leyland for a wee bit of TLC and 2 weeks later we got it back. What a difference it is, well impressed with the job the guys done.
It is now back at home and turned upside down to carry out some small gelcoat repairs and polish the hull. This should be finished by Monday night then we will turn it over again. There is a center console to be fitted, deck to be flow coated in as close a match as we can get to the console. We have a 60hp Yamaha two stroke to go on the back and a new set of steering cables. Once we sell the SR4 we have then its on to electronics, tank rack and A frame.