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Old 22 March 2005, 12:30   #41
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I agree that the safety of marshall boats & crew is of the up most importance.

To be fair, none of us have been briefed yet so we don't know what our responsibilites are. At the moment we are merely volunteers & I think we have to trust that the QHM has this in hand.

At this stage my understanding of the marshalling situation is that a clear demarcation line will be set out with bouys & spectator boats will not be allowed to cross this line.

What happens if they do? Well I guess the level of action that we are expected to take will become clear at the briefing, but as each marshall group will be allocated a military escort we could always call them in to assist if necessary.

I think the rapid intervention of a gun ship should rearrange the priorities of the skipper of even the largest gin palace


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Old 22 March 2005, 13:02   #42
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Looking at the information for spectator boats on the trafalgar 200 website, all spectator boats will be required to anchor.

Its all got to go - make me an offer...............

Skype - alexgreig
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Old 22 March 2005, 13:09   #43
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Originally Posted by gingercoastie
Looking at the information for spectator boats on the trafalgar 200 website, all spectator boats will be required to anchor.
So all you diver chappys should have your kit with you as there will be a fortune to be made from untangling fouled anchors & chains.
Peter (nick, nick) T

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Old 22 March 2005, 17:54   #44
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There is no way that can be enforced, boats won't anchor up. Unless the Marshals have that duty also to force them.
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Old 22 March 2005, 19:09   #45
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Originally Posted by scm
.I had to got through all the rules and regs to get where I am as did all other commercial operators, so why should up to 100 ribs be allowed to work just because its for the fleet review.
Yeh. It's a bit like using Ribnet to plug your business but not taking out a trade membership.

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Old 23 March 2005, 09:02   #46
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Don't start me off!

I don't think trade or any other membership should let you plug your business on the Forum.

What good does it do the forum, Are you gonna get a reasoned arguments over boat design and suitability for your use from somebody that sells one brand of boat. I don't think so!

How many of the trainers on the Forum are here for the love of Ribbing and how many are here for the love of Turnover.
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Old 23 March 2005, 09:38   #47
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
What good does it do the forum, Are you gonna get a reasoned arguments over boat design and suitability for your use from somebody that sells one brand of boat. I don't think so!
On the other hand it means that someone getting advice knows who is giving it and why they are giving it.
They know from the outset if the persoon offering advice has a vested interest.

If I give advice on radio matters they know I work for Icom.
If I was just on here as Jon Brooks there is a good chance the person would not know who I am or what I do.

Much better to be straight up than offer advice with a hidden agenda.
There may well be people on the forum offering advice but keeping their connections to manufactures well hidden.
There may be people on here who work or have a vested interest with say Simrad, Navman or Silva but do the membership know that?

IMHO it gives a much better way to judge the advice you get.

But understand your concerns Stuart.

Jon Brooks VSMM. Marine Mammal Medic, PBI, SRC Assessor,PWC Instructor.
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Old 23 March 2005, 12:04   #48
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Originally Posted by Rogue Wave
I don't think trade or any other membership should let you plug your business on the Forum.

How many of the trainers on the Forum are here for the love of Ribbing and how many are here for the love of Turnover.
Are we talking Trainers or Instructors Paul Glatzel , Dave Hickman, Doug Innes and Dave Mallet are Trainers the rest of us are either Advanced Instructors or Instructors .
Its probably a 50/50 split as to why we come on here we can offer advice free of charge and may get some business or we can abuse the system and plug away offering courses . Its up to the moderators to police this and members to report bad posts , If all the instructors become trade members its gonna be a free for all . Its a good forum lets keep it that way. I do try and watch what i post now as i am sure the other schools who are non trade members do.The schools who do post on here are quite open as to who they are so its obvious to people as to what they do.
Tim Griffin
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Old 23 March 2005, 12:17   #49
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I think that one thing that is really worrying about this thread is how little faith SCM appears to have in the PB2 course and as a way of plugging his business it strikes me as a bit of an own goal Is this a commonly held view among the trainers/instructors and if so what course should people do Des
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Old 23 March 2005, 13:18   #50
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The course teaches you basic skills and gives a new cox a level of confidence. It's the hours at the helm and the experience gained after taking the course that matters. PB2 is the right place to start, it's an excellent course and should be mandatory to taking a pleasure boat to sea. However as I said it's basic skills.

Trouble is just asking for PB2 is not really asking for competant skippers. We should be asking for experience .. however that's hard to measure on paper, unless you can validate whats writen in a log. BUT how does this differ from any qualification, like a driving license, or diving qual... we just have to take PB2 as a valid base level, unless you push the bar up to Advanced PB or other.

Certainly some of the commercial people on this thread seem bitter to have missed out on a cash cow. However some of their points are valid. Commercial skipper normally have the hours at the helm, and that's what counts.
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Old 23 March 2005, 13:42   #51
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Originally Posted by Andy
....... Commercial skipper normally have the hours at the helm............
But not necessarily
SCM is saying that because he had gone through the expense of getting a commercial ticket he is more capable than someone who hasn’t
As you say it all comes down to experience and a level of natural ability. Des
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Old 23 March 2005, 21:38   #52
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Scary Des,

I think that one thing that is really worrying about this thread is how little faith SCM appears to have in the PB2 course and as a way of plugging his business it strikes me as a bit of an own goal
1. My point at the start of this thread was that a level 2 certificate is, imho not the right quailification for marsherling an event like the fleet review. Why do i say this ? beacuse i know very well what is involved in a L2 course not that i have little faith in the course. I have been involved with the RYA scheme in every discipline for over twenty years and if i did not belive it was of any use then i would not be involved.

SCM is saying that because he had gone through the expense of getting a commercial ticket he is more capable than someone who hasn’t
2. There will be people that are not even quialified that are better drivers out there, as there will be those that are very well quilified who can not drive To drive a commercial Coded rib these days now requires that you have to do a seperate exam with a trainer, after you have done the advanced course. This is so the powerboat scheme aligns itself more with the other disciplines,ie Yachtmaster etc. Or you drive a council liscensed boat which requires you to have a boatmans license. My whole point is that to get to this level you will have had to jump through a few hoops and should have a bit of experiance. It has nothing to do with expense of getting the tickets it the time and training that you have to do to get there

3. I make no secret of what i do and will gain nothing from this thread as i already have a booking for the day I just voiced my opionion as i felt i could do and if it has made some people think about at least there ability and there insurance then i have achieved something. Have a lovley day
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Old 23 March 2005, 22:20   #53
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Originally Posted by scm
To drive a commercial Coded rib these days now requires that you have to do a seperate exam with a trainer, after you have done the advanced course.
Scm, this new rule has only just been introduced hasn't it? So only a handful of new and less experienced charter skippers will have achieved their ticket in this way. Most will have achieved theirs in "the bad old way".

You didn't mention the route to a boatman's license -If I remember correctly, it's basically PB2 plus a medical isn't it?

Your posts suggest concern about the ability and competence of the marshalls. I would draw your attention to the fact that one of the original methods of recruitment was through BIBOA, where the experience of the racing and cruising members in many cases compares favorably to that of the a Solent based charter skipper.
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Old 23 March 2005, 22:43   #54
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Here is a link to a copy of the current rules (I think they may have been updated since this site published) for the license:'

it's basically PB2 plus a medical isn't it?
From the above document, if you want to get an exemption:

Persons holding a current MCA Certificate of Competency for Deck Officers,
RYA Yachtmaster or Coastal Skipper Certificate, MCA Boatmaster's
Certificate or other higher qualifications shall be exempt from all parts of the
examination except that some licensing authorities may wish to examine all
applicants on local knowledge.

Yes to a medical. First aid and sea survival if you are to operate in a cat 4 area. And yes i had all of the above and still had to talk about the local hazards in the solent

Just noticed that the level 2 person does not even have to be the driver/skipper just has to be on board

Also, i have no doubt that the vast majority will be great out there but then it only takes one accident!!
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Old 23 March 2005, 22:58   #55
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Yes, thanks for the link, I notice that there's good reason for Yachtmaster, Coastal Skipper, etc being exempt.... section IX (the syllabus) is only a little beyond PB2!
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