A similar question was asked last week:
Has advice on finding the leak. Even if you consider the 30litres in that post as OP there had, yours sounds worse.
Generally bungs that need unscrewed with screw drivers, spanners, big coins etc are not expected to be opened every time you dunk. Ones that can be undone by hand may be undone each time ashore to check dry, and ones with levers are designed to be routinely opened - usually they are for deck drains etc and really exist to stop the boat filling during launch.
So you either need to free off the bung and put it back, or replace it. It needs bedded on sealant or will leak down the sides. In a week you could easily fill that void through a badly sealed bung. Since water was coming out I'd suspect it as a possibility.
Brass bungs often have an o ring on the thread. If the brass has seized good chance the o ring will be perished too...