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Old 11 July 2009, 10:55   #1
Country: UK - England
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Foam core~V~ply

I'm sat here on my backside convalescing (look mummy I spelt it right!) after a doing time in hospital, cell block H. And I'm running ideas through my noggin to wail away the time.

Got a new console but it's a bit low down for standing, which is my preferred stance. So the idea to raise the deck underneath the console jumps into my debauched mind.
It would kill 2 people with one pig too as I'd have more room to get my fuel tank under there and build a firewall around it.


The idea is to raise just the area where the flange of the console meets the deck, not the whole area of the foot of the console.

Marine Ply springs to mind glassed to the deck but was wondering if a foam core would be up to the job instead?

I've already got some foam, sent to me by a very kind Gent
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Old 11 July 2009, 11:15   #2
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I'd go for some 2"x2" wood or whatever size you need to raise it by, it'll be alot easier to do. You could use the foam but it'll need coating in glass which is messy and hard to get round 90 degree corners.
I think Matt H or one of the SR lads raised his console on bits of wood, looked good too.
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Old 11 July 2009, 11:20   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Southport
Boat name: Qudos
Make: 5.4 Searider
Length: 5m +
Engine: Yam 115 V4
MMSI: 235068784
Join Date: Sep 2008
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Yeah he used treated wood. Looked very smart
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Old 13 July 2009, 13:01   #4
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Originally Posted by JSP View Post
I'm sat here on my backside convalescing (look mummy I spelt it right!) after a doing time in hospital, cell block H. And I'm running ideas through my noggin to wail away the time.

Got a new console but it's a bit low down for standing, which is my preferred stance. So the idea to raise the deck underneath the console jumps into my debauched mind.
It would kill 2 people with one pig too as I'd have more room to get my fuel tank under there and build a firewall around it.


The idea is to raise just the area where the flange of the console meets the deck, not the whole area of the foot of the console.

Marine Ply springs to mind glassed to the deck but was wondering if a foam core would be up to the job instead?

I've already got some foam, sent to me by a very kind Gent
In a word no!

Foam is not resistant to crushing whereas wood is, if you want to save weight use end grain balsa - you will have to cover it in fibreglass regardless to waterproof everything.
Originally Posted by Zippy
When a boat looks that good who needs tubes!!!
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