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Old 08 August 2004, 07:53   #1
Country: Ireland
Town: Co. Clare
Make: Redbay
Length: 6m +
Engine: Inboard diesel Yamah
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 41
Four stupid men and two girls

What interests me most about the above threads and similar incident attached voyages, is the 'what went wrong factor'. Because of the safety and risk issues associated with ribbing I am always most keen to hear of such issues from others' experiences. I like to learn of exactly what went wrong, how the problem was resolved and what might be done to prevent such an incident arising in future.
I would like to suggest that a forum heading might be created and titled , say, 'safety and risks'. Users of the RIBnet forums may then add, constructively comment and learn from each others experiences in this field. I seem to recall that airline pilots do some similar but in an anonymus fashion. They, of course, can be considered to have commercial reasons for annonimity. I for one, however, would be more than happy to recount of my 'lessons learnt' !

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Old 08 August 2004, 15:23   #2
Country: USA
Town: Raleigh-NC
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Posts: 16
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In similar diving forums I participate in they have a:

Diving Accidents and Incidents (3 Viewing)
Analysis of What Went Wrong. Includes both technical and recreation situations.

This forum/room is heavily moderated and all posts are expected to be clinical in nature, no flames, blame, condolances etc are permitted. Just the facts and questions about what happened. Descibed as:

However, the point of this forum is to discuss and find the causes of accidents, and as such, to learn from the mistakes of the victims; so the accident is not in vain and can aid in our awareness, our techniques for rescue, and our techniques for avoiding problems in the first place.

In order to achieve this, it is best to keep a emotional distance from the victims, to avoid deviating from the overall goal by personalizing the threads with condolences or discussions about the individual persons involved, beyond what is necessary to understand the causes.

Because of this, the owners of XXX respectfully request that our members refrain from participating in threads in the accidents forum if they feel they can not step back and discuss the accident with clinical objectivity. Likewise we respectfully request that you refrain from condolence posts in the accidents forum. If you wish to express your condolences, please look for a thread in the various lounges that has been created as a memorial thread for the victims; or start one yourself. Those memorial threads will be for the things that have no place in the accident discussion such as condolence notes; discussions about who the victims were as persons, trading stories about their lives, or anything else that aids in the healing process.
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Old 08 August 2004, 16:13   #3
Country: UK - England
Town: Portsmouth
Boat name: Not sure
Make: ABC/Priddy
Length: 10m +
Engine: 2 x 500 FPT
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 928
A detailed report on the sinking of Spirit will be posted tomorrow Alan P
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Old 08 August 2004, 17:41   #4
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Pwllheli-North Wales
Boat name: V-ONE
Make: Highfield
Length: 8m +
Engine: Honda 250hp
Join Date: Mar 2001
Posts: 2,367

Will the new book be entitled "We all Live In A Yellow Submarine" ???
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