I'm about to start a website listing slips that are free to launch from.
They will be listed by county with coast and then inland.
I will list the slips according to speed limit and proximity to the limit.
So there will be categories where you can WOT straight away, or where you are mile away from WOT etc.,.
Slip amenities will be noted as will be parking and fuel. Close free WiFi will be added.
Tide tables for each slip will be allocated.
Where possible there will be a live webcam.
Let me know what you know.
There is no membership fee and it is free to use.
It is a week away from launch, fingers crossed.
Each slip will have a downloadable chart 4 miles square. Not nautical yet, more to get you there, but working on it.
There is no holding site yet.
Let's see.
This is down to administrators as to whether they allow PM's with info or location posts as to whether this is a commercial post or not.
Currently it's just a listing.