Originally Posted by Lostboy
(I'm surprised J Fuller hasn't been on here to tell us to "get more freeboard if you're worried about going over the side, I only wear a T-shirt and shorts even in February............")
...and wearing anything warmer than a pair of a long cotton pants surely means that you're a Bowie knife toting Rambo wannabe...

(he seems to be obsessed with Bowie knives)
On this side of the pond, flotation suits (coveralls or bib/coat combos) such as these are very popular (with thermal undergarments of course);
While they are more bulky and not watertight like a drysuit is, they are less costy and generally more durable for general use/work while on the water. By more durable, I mean that a small nick/cut in the outer fabric will not negate their effectiveness.