11 June 2009, 20:36
Country: UK - England
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Fuel Tank installation concerns?
Am wanting to install fuel tanks inside the console to remove all the clutter from the deck space. My concern is the fuel fumes that vent from the fuel tank and the potential hazard from electrical connections and battery being in the same air space! Surely this is common practice for fuel tank installation so am I being over cautious?
Anyones experience/solutions much appreciated.
11 June 2009, 20:43
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Its not really good practice to install the fuel tank next to the battery.
Ideally you want a sealed bulk head between the battery and tank. The tank should vent outside the console.
Did you get your tubes sorted?
11 June 2009, 20:44
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Have a search as it's been discussed before, I may be paranoid, but personally I wouldn't do it unless you can vent the breather to outside the console.
11 June 2009, 20:55
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by chewy
Its not really good practice to install the fuel tank next to the battery.
Ideally you want a sealed bulk head between the battery and tank. The tank should vent outside the console.
Did you get your tubes sorted?
Yes finally tubes all sorted and reglued, not nearly as bad as I first feared thankfully but still not very happy with the whole arangement.
I was trying to think of how I could sensibly route the breather outside the console but being its an outboard tank with the screw vent not really easy unless there is a different cap on the market?
Thanks for the advice!
11 June 2009, 21:08
Country: UK - England
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Have you got a photo of your console?
My battery is eventually going under my seat in a battery box. I've seperated the under seat storage from the head of the console with a piece of foam glassed in.
You could put your battery in a box but you've still got the electrical connections above the fuel tank.
11 June 2009, 21:28
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What about fitting another tank like a tektank with a proper filling hose/breather assembly?
Chris Stevens
Born fiddler
11 June 2009, 21:35
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Chris
What about fitting another tank like a tektank with a proper filling hose/breather assembly?
Thanks Chris, I have looked at those tanks the same I think as plastimo sell but you know what its like I have so many old tanks kicking about I was hoping to utilise one of these rather than spending more pennies on a new tank! But may have to give in..
12 June 2009, 08:01
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All mine ( battery / tank & 'wires') is in the same console. There is a decent sized vent on the sideof the console , but not direct form the tank vent. Its also a simple lift up seat so you instalntly let anything in the console out by openeing it.
I'll see if I can get apic of it later to show. Has been fine for a few years & rigged by the 'big' Avon/ Yam dealer .
I'll admit its not ideal but as long as you sensible with the battery in its own box etc I dont see a big problem - well until it blow up & take me with it - but I have never heard of, or known this to happen as a result of having a tank nexk to electrics - after all I think someone mentioned we all seem to run the petrol lines next to the main starting wires back to the engine.
12 June 2009, 08:40
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by Blackroady
All mine ( battery / tank & 'wires') is in the same console. There is a decent sized vent on the sideof the console , but not direct form the tank vent. Its also a simple lift up seat so you instalntly let anything in the console out by openeing it.
I'll see if I can get apic of it later to show. Has been fine for a few years & rigged by the 'big' Avon/ Yam dealer .
I'll admit its not ideal but as long as you sensible with the battery in its own box etc I dont see a big problem - well until it blow up & take me with it - but I have never heard of, or known this to happen as a result of having a tank nexk to electrics - after all I think someone mentioned we all seem to run the petrol lines next to the main starting wires back to the engine.
Thanks Blackroady, a picture of your installation would be great if you can. I do have the battery sealed in a box I was just concerned if there were any arcing in the connections of aux equipment. I could easily fit a vent in the console tho.
Ultimately it could end up just being the best ejector seat ever created!!
12 June 2009, 08:43
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Originally Posted by hatt11
Thanks Blackroady, a picture of your installation would be great if you can. I do have the battery sealed in a box I was just concerned if there were any arcing in the connections of aux equipment. I could easily fit a vent in the console tho.
Ultimately it could end up just being the best ejector seat ever created!!
you could also spray the electrics with a plastic sealer like this
12 June 2009, 11:48
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Originally Posted by Blackroady
Its also a simple lift up seat so you instalntly let anything in the console out by openeing it.
Er, fuel vapour is heavier than air so you need to vent at low level to let fuel vapour out.
12 June 2009, 14:31
Country: UK - England
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Yes - thats why there is a vent at the bottom of the console & its amazing how quickly you can change the volume of air with a rear hinged seat at 10knts + !
12 June 2009, 17:38
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pics of my set up
The console , with everything running in from throttle , the tank/ vent / filter , the inside with battery box bonded in and tube taking 'stuff' below deck & finally it coming back up to the engine.
12 June 2009, 18:50
Country: UK - England
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Thanks Blackroady for that much appreciated! Thats a tidy job, I take it by the "BIG" service agent you mean BHG? They do a nice job I know from my previous boat. Gives me some confidence it can be done will just fit a vent in the console.
May well be out of mudeford at the weekend diving on a mates boat will keep an eye out for you if your about!
Thanks again
12 June 2009, 19:51
Country: UK - England
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No prob - yep BHG - even after a few years I'm still impressed by the way its rigged.
I'm planning to be out on other boat - Shearwater - afternoon tomorrow & around , in and out all day Sunday .
Safe diving !
15 June 2009, 08:57
Country: UK - England
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Originally Posted by hatt11
Thanks Blackroady for that much appreciated! Thats a tidy job, I take it by the "BIG" service agent you mean BHG? They do a nice job I know from my previous boat. Gives me some confidence it can be done will just fit a vent in the console.
May well be out of mudeford at the weekend diving on a mates boat will keep an eye out for you if your about!
Thanks again
Diving off ' Vixen' ? Saw a few divers surface on Sunday so hung around to make sure they didn't get runover - you see a lot of boats run very close to marks on the assumption they are lobster pot marks !
15 June 2009, 11:46
Country: Other
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Originally Posted by Blackroady
Diving off ' Vixen' ? Saw a few divers surface on Sunday so hung around to make sure they didn't get runover - you see a lot of boats run very close to marks on the assumption they are lobster pot marks !
In Start Bay during the summer we normally dive with two boats, one anchored, and one pick up boat.
I act as pick up boat normally, and quite often have to physically put myself between the divers and an oncoming boat, despite flying an A Flag, much to their annoyance. The Gin palaces are the worst, the drivers get quite upset that they've had to detour around me, all I can do is point to the A flag and comment about ther Mothers.
15 June 2009, 16:01
Country: UK - England
Town: Fareham
Boat name: Nectar
Make: Robinson Marine
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Posts: 62
Originally Posted by Blackroady
Diving off ' Vixen' ? Saw a few divers surface on Sunday so hung around to make sure they didn't get runover - you see a lot of boats run very close to marks on the assumption they are lobster pot marks !
No I didnt get out in the end, family commitments told me other wise (the wife is watching!). Its a nightmare with boats coming so close, as nasher says you have to physically create a barrier to protect your man down! And im sure half of the wekend boaters dont even know what the flag means!
Am hoping to be out this weekend tho, fingers crossed!
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