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Old 13 September 2007, 22:23   #1
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Fuel tax rise again

Just heard fuel duty is to rise yet again - up another 2p a litre. nicely timed as the price of oil has just touched $80 a barrel.

When will it all end?

For you Yanks who think the fuel price is bad we are now paying about $7.63 per US gallon.

Of course there are bound to be some people who will say - yes of course it's great it all helps the environment and public services...........

77% tax - great isn't it - especially as we pay a tax on a tax!!!
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Old 14 September 2007, 09:08   #2
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Fuel tax rise again.

So out of £10 which you earn, you pay what, 20-40% income tax NI contributions etc, then you buy some petrol which has 70 odd% tax on it, then you have to pay VAT on top of that at 17.5% and you had to tax your car to get there, and of course insurance which is taxed again.
at £1 a litre how much does your pre tax tenner get you? anyone worked it out........dont its depressing!!!
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Old 14 September 2007, 10:23   #3
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For me thats the tip of the iceberg, as a business owner I calculated how much little old me paid to UK Govt in all the taxes I collected and paid from, corporation tax, PAYE, NI, VAT, personal tax, vehicle tax, business rates, you name it.... and it is staggering... utterly staggering, and hell mend me if get any of my calculations wrong
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Old 14 September 2007, 11:08   #4
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When will it all end?
As long as we all accept it, it will never end. But 'We' British seem to accept every tax, law, Building regulation, Olympic bid .......without question( poll tax apart ). Can you imagine the French or American people just rolling over? No.

Funnily enough when the French make a stand our press are of the opinion they are out of order, millitants, trouble makers. I want out (at least today )
Big waves, small boat ;)
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Old 14 September 2007, 11:33   #5
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Even more tax....

And to depress everyone further, remeber evert time fuel prices rise our Gordon & Alistair gain even more from the VAT that adds 17.5% to every price rise. So on top of the increased tax take on higher fuel prices they add even more fuel duty, to which another 17.5% VAT is added. They must rub their hand in glee with every bulk prtice increase!

On a similar vein, us 'Shire people whose county's infrastructure has suffered huge damage in the summer floods and due to primary road closure are forced to divert down backlanes - causing even more road wear & damage, are being told there's no cash to repair the roads etc... when the Treasurary are set to gain in the region of £450million in VAT from the repair work to people's homes. None of this unbudgeted take is being directed back to where its needed......

I need to get on the water & forget about these bloodsucking devious barstewards

Lakey T
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Old 14 September 2007, 17:26   #6
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You lot havent been listening lately, apparently global warming is very bad, it's all the fault of fuel burning - so in order to totally stop people burning it they put the price up (again) - that ought to do it this time I reckon! so no more very bad global warming, clever people in the treasury, we should be nicer to them!
New boat is here, very happy!
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Old 14 September 2007, 18:13   #7
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Originally Posted by Simon B View Post
You lot havent been listening lately, apparently global warming is very bad, it's all the fault of fuel burning -

No it isnt, I heard a man on the radio this week saying we had to reduce emissions by stopping internal uk flights 'and' in the same sentance he said 'they' were looking at alternative feeds for cows to stop them emitting methane I mean cows are surely the real cause of global warming all along ..............

I had to laugh, but apart from that.. some muppet has convinced this guy, at no doubt some massive cost, that farting cows are an issue, wtf ?
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Old 16 September 2007, 16:47   #8
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
I had to laugh, but apart from that.. some muppet has convinced this guy, at no doubt some massive cost, that farting cows are an issue, wtf ?
He may be right. One of the few things I remember from 'O' level biology was the cartoon of a flatulent bovine on the cover of a text book, with the caption "A cow produces 500,000cc of methane per day". 500 litres of bottom burps.

So we can either all become vegetarians, let the cows die out and we live on pulses... ...maybe not; or eat more beef ; or convert all our engines to run on 'bio-gas' and strap a Friesian to the console*.

*2 for long range cruising?
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Old 16 September 2007, 20:20   #9
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Originally Posted by The Grocer View Post
He may be right. One of the few things I remember from 'O' level biology was the cartoon of a flatulent bovine on the cover of a text book, with the caption "A cow produces 500,000cc of methane per day". 500 litres of bottom burps.

So we can either all become vegetarians, let the cows die out and we live on pulses... ...maybe not; or eat more beef ; or convert all our engines to run on 'bio-gas' and strap a Friesian to the console*.

*2 for long range cruising?
Well you know what that means yess you gues right, if you follow the logic... cows are carbon emitters, and should therefor be taxed like 4 x 4 's . Farmers will be falling over themselves to scrap expensive V8 Friesians, and go for much cheaper diesel Ayrshires, which ofcourse produce less milk, so the price of milk shoots up, by god we are caught every way we turn. Then ofcourse 'Daisy' will need an annual MOT just to check she's not burning oil or running a bit rich, and if she is..... oh I could go on,

Nah .. I dont buy that stuff ..."When I were a lad" you looked up in the sky and there was maybe 1 vapour trail in the sky, now on a clear day I could count 16

The longer the government puts off green issues the better for them, they score all round, more expensive petrol means higher tax takes, then again if they take some of the mood onboard they score again, higher car taxes, which ever way it gets played, the tax card will be the driver, NOTHING else.

Dig deep people
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Old 16 September 2007, 21:25   #10
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Sort out China first - then maybe we should change our ways!!!
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Old 16 September 2007, 21:39   #11
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
Sort out China first - then maybe we should change our ways!!!
Yea thats another point .... I heard someone say we must 'pay' to stop the developing world making too much CO2 since they are the new gas guzzling economy, 'we' are their market are we not.. by and large, so how does that work ?..
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Old 16 September 2007, 22:29   #12
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Originally Posted by Bigmuz7 View Post
Yea thats another point .... I heard someone say we must 'pay' to stop the developing world making too much CO2 since they are the new gas guzzling economy, 'we' are their market are we not.. by and large, so how does that work ?..
As we are their market we should be able to dictate that the goods we receive are 'low carbon' (or insert whatever other bullsh*t PC phrase you want). However, this approach won't be taken on board by the new environmentalists for two reasons:

1. Environmentalism is the new communism and therefore they don't believe in market forces

2. 'They' (greenies / commies / socialists) believe that we still have a debt to pay as ex-colonial agressors yarn etc etc and therefore we have to feel the pain and not the newly super-polluting 3rd world powers.

Bring back Maggie please.
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