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Old 19 October 2004, 07:24   #21
Country: UK - Wales
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Originally Posted by qcamel
Hear what you are saying Mr Wave but surely if one battery goes flat with the bilge then it would be the same if I had two. Accept I would be able to start the boat but still the problem of having the bilge full and the battery flat.

Why is shore power not going to work? I understood that the modern 'smart' trickle chargers can keep a battery optimised for up to 6 months.
I didn't say it wouldn't work? I just said it's nota good solution..

I would have thought that after the pump flattened the battery switching to the alternative would not only start the engine but also provide power to evacuate the Bilge.
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 19 October 2004, 09:06   #22
Country: Denmark
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I'm no expert at this since my boat is not kept afloat, but I would put a shore power line in and use this to charge the battery.
Just be sure that is one off the electronic chargers, whice will actualy switch off before destroying the battery.

This will keep the battery alive, but do get a cover anyway, keeps the boat nice and dry, and you can even sleep under it if you have to

Solar panel, hmmm nice... I think this might be the next toy for my boat

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