Our weekend started on Friday evening. Keran, our dog and me were at the National Watersports Centre at Holme Pierpoint, Nottingham. This weekend was the National Young Persons Clubs annual activities weekend. We along with two other boats were giving fun rides on inflateable bananas and doughnuts etc. It was all taking part on the 2000m watercourse and on Friday night we had it all to our selves
Saturday morning dawned with light rain and grey clouds so it was on with the drysuits. A good day with the kids enjoying themselves immensly. Saturday was a very long day and KeyMar never seemed to stop for more than it takes to eat a sarnie

With KeyMar safely tucked away in the boat house Saturday night it was home for a well earned beer and takeaway.
Sunday morning was in complete contrast to the day before, very definatley shorts and Tee shirts. A short day starting at 09.30 and finishing at about 15.00. All was going very well until the penultimate group. We were towing a five man banana with four kids on board and whilst making a turn the kids fell off. No problem after all its been like that all weekend. As we brought the boat around the stern suddenly seemed to dig in, Just as I backed off the throttle our rib was suddenly pitched over hard to port. This resulted in both Keran and myself being thrown clear of the boat. My last view before hitting the water was of the starboard side being very high indeed, to the point turning over. Apparently it looked very spectacular

Rescue proceedures started to recover the kids and ourselves. Keran was pulled onboard another boat and I managed to climb over the back of KeyMar courtesy of the engine and A frame. The Kill Cord certainly did its job given the force that throw us from our boat. The only person out of the three of us to stay onboard was our German Sheppard who complete with life jacket was asleep in the botttom of the boat

Only to wake up and find mum and dad having a swim. We recoverd back to shore to gather ourselves and asess our injuries. Keran has hurt her shoulder and I lost me glasses. We were both very shook up, however half an hour later we were back out to regain some confidence.
The moral of the story is, allways were ya kill cord and life jacket. Thank god we were wearing ours. We may even invest in a couple of helmets for the future. It was a big reality check that a Rib needs to be treated with the greatest of respect. Photos to follow.