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Old 09 June 2007, 20:16   #21
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Nice to see they were using the kill cord. With a better driver the RIB would have seriously run rings around the patrol boat - did you see how much tighter it turned???
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Old 10 June 2007, 01:40   #22
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I can see that the police had a job to do as they quite rightly could not be 100% sure if the RIB's where GENUINE Green Piece protestor's, i suppose they cannot take the risk these days (9/11 terroist's posed as ordinary passengers & killed 100's). In the State's i belive if they wish a boat to stop & it wont they shoot out the engine....simple & effective , i belive the German police carry gun's so where's the problem, it would also make protestors think twice next time, as whilst the police are wasting there time dealing with them a genuine terrorist could get through! But driving over a ZAPCAT with the crew still in it is just stupid & dangerous as is driving over a RIB that has stopped & is surrounded anyway . Im not saying in any way that i like or care about Blair or Bush as said earlier in this thread i think they both deserve all they get......

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Old 10 June 2007, 02:44   #23
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Terrorists could also pose as Police.............
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Old 10 June 2007, 07:22   #24
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Originally Posted by Spike View Post
In the State's i belive if they wish a boat to stop & it wont they shoot out the engine....simple & effective , i belive the German police carry gun's so where's the problem
Shooting out the engine on a boat that is moving at 30 knots plus whilst standing on another boat that is moving at the same speed. I should imagine that is even more dangerous than trying to ram them.

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Old 10 June 2007, 07:39   #25
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Originally Posted by Chris1573 View Post
Shooting out the engine on a boat that is moving at 30 knots plus whilst standing on another boat that is moving at the same speed. I should imagine that is even more dangerous than trying to ram them.

royal marines have managed to do just that from helos 150 ft in the air against drug runners moving at 40+ knots in the west indies..sure codders had the pics a while ago..
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Old 10 June 2007, 09:52   #26
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Quote;Shooting out the engine on a boat that is moving at 30 knots plus whilst standing on another boat that is moving at the same speed. I should imagine that is even more dangerous than trying to ram them.

If they where using that big police jet boat it would be a very stable gun platform to work from and as mentioned above the police marksmen are trained to do so....tell me what would you rather,

1/ Having a 35 ton ally jet boat drive over your RIB while your still in it, getting crushed to death & writting off your boat...

2/ Having your engine shot out by a pro, & having to buy a new one....

3/ Stay at home & send Mr Blair a letter outlineing what you dont like about G8, then go out on your RIB with the family & get a tan.....

Umm thats a hard one......

I know what i would have done..........

The Titanic was built by professionals - The Ark was built by one man!
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Old 10 June 2007, 15:11   #27
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Nice to know that every one is so liberal minded about Greenpeace and environmental campaigners.

Mmmm, terrorists in RIB with a Greenpeace flag "attacking" a land based summit where all the worlds leaders decide to do jack-shit about the environment, Africa etc. Thats a new one!

As for the comment that you cant be an environmental campaigner if you use fossil fuels....well thats so damn ignorant that if that is the general consensus then we're all doomed.

Whatever you think of Seashepherd, Greenpeace, FOTE, they do a load of good protecting the environment that we as boaters enjoy everyday so give them a break!
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Old 10 June 2007, 15:15   #28
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Quote:"Wrong. The protesters put their lives and the lives of the police at risk by trying to illegally crash the summit. If those idiots had been killed (and if they were, ... oh well), it would have been completely their own fault and not that of the police."

Oh my God, we are all doomed!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Old 10 June 2007, 15:31   #29
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Never heard of shooting out engines from another boat. Probably impossible.
The US coastguard use helos. If a go fast drug runner is intercepted they fly along side and " stitch" a burst of 30cal. machine gun fire across their bow as a warning. If they do not stop then they mount a 50 cal rifle with a red dot sight ( not a machine gun) on a sling in the doorway of the helo and take out the engines. There is a movie clip of this happening somewhere on the web. You have to be sort a stupid not to stop after the warning burst.
Or you use one of these
Running around like a head with it's chicken cut off.
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Old 10 June 2007, 16:35   #30
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Originally Posted by jonmitch View Post
Nice to know that every one is so liberal minded about Greenpeace and environmental campaigners.

As for the comment that you cant be an environmental campaigner if you use fossil fuels....well thats so damn ignorant that if that is the general consensus then we're all doomed.

Whatever you think of Seashepherd, Greenpeace, FOTE, they do a load of good protecting the environment that we as boaters enjoy everyday so give them a break!
Hi Jonmitch

I'm sorry but I completely disagree with you. I am all for compaigning to save the environment and actually work very hard to ensure that my company and home life is as 'green' as it possibly can be.

However, I believe you lead by example. You wouldn't pay any attention to an MP talking about saving the environment if they drive everywhere in a big fuel-guzzling car - what example are they setting. Don't do as I do, do as I say - I don't think so.

I'm not disagreeing with what they are trying to achieve - I just don't think that that was the way to achieve it.
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Old 10 June 2007, 16:42   #31
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Unfortunately the environmentalists seem to do more harm than good these days.

Swansea marina USED to have about 30 pairs of swans - a lovely sight. Then they needed to dredge the marina. They weren't allowed to dump the rubbish out at sea(which is a big place) so they were told to spread the stuff around the rest of the marina!!! The water was in a disgusting state and 2 yrs later the swans still haven't come back. If it had been dumped at sea the stuff would have been rapidly dispersed.

I am currently in a fight with the local authority over a local waste incenerator which has made me quite ill for the last year or so - everyone around here seems to have a constant sore throat - of course it is far better to burn the waste and pump the crap into the air isn't it........

The latest madness is composting you waste to reduce the amount going into landfill - and what exactly happens to waste matter when ti gets into the landfill - it composts anyway!!!
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Old 10 June 2007, 16:57   #32
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The difference is that compostable waste chucked into land fill decomposes in an oxygen depleted environment and thus creates methane the top contributer to global warming. When it composts in your garden it decomposes in an oxygen rich environment and the methane is not created. The other benefit is you get something to spread on your plants as well.
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Old 10 June 2007, 17:04   #33
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
Unfortunately the environmentalists seem to do more harm than good these days.

The latest madness is composting you waste to reduce the amount going into landfill - and what exactly happens to waste matter when ti gets into the landfill - it composts anyway!!!
Cod - you do realise you are doing exactly what Greenpeace wanted? Giving publicity to their "issues" and "discussing" the environment. The ribs were never really likely to change the world directly.

The difference between composting and bulk landfill is that when you compost (either at home or on an industrial scale) the end product can be reused, and assuming reasonable selection criteria have been used on what goes into the bin it will all be useable. When you landfill, half of the stuff does not biodegrade in a sensible timescale (nappies, carrier bags, tin cans, milk bottles etc) so the bit which does degrade is "contaminated" and unusable.

By separating waste into compostable waste and non compostable waste - the stuff which decomposes quickly avoids going in the landfil leaving more space for the stuff which won't decompose. Landfill sites are generally of little commercial, developmental or agricultural value once full - so it makes sense to both minimise the number/scale of them and make best possible use of them.
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Old 10 June 2007, 17:32   #34
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Originally Posted by Dunc View Post
The difference is that compostable waste chucked into land fill decomposes in an oxygen depleted environment and thus creates methane the top contributer to global warming. When it composts in your garden it decomposes in an oxygen rich environment and the methane is not created. The other benefit is you get something to spread on your plants as well.
It is quite possible to draw the methane off and use it for power.
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Old 10 June 2007, 17:34   #35
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Originally Posted by Polwart View Post
By separating waste into compostable waste and non compostable waste - the stuff which decomposes quickly avoids going in the landfil leaving more space for the stuff which won't decompose. Landfill sites are generally of little commercial, developmental or agricultural value once full - so it makes sense to both minimise the number/scale of them and make best possible use of them.
I live about 1000yds from an old landfill site - last used about 12 years ago. It is all overgrown and very pleasant - no nasty smells or anything. Many people walk their dogs there and it is a wildlife haven. The incinerator on the other hand is making everyone's lives a misery!!!
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Old 10 June 2007, 17:37   #36
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And whilst on the subject did anyone see that programme about what happens to the rubbish people so carefully seperate in some areas of London? The rubbish was all mixed back together again and stuffed into shipping containers to be sent to the Far East. It then ended up on a huge stinking tip. There is a shanty town around this tip and the people make a living rummaging about in the rubbish. I suppose it really is recycling though!!!
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Old 10 June 2007, 21:31   #37
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Originally Posted by Sarah G View Post
Hi Jonmitch

I'm sorry but I completely disagree with you. I am all for compaigning to save the environment and actually work very hard to ensure that my company and home life is as 'green' as it possibly can be.

However, I believe you lead by example. You wouldn't pay any attention to an MP talking about saving the environment if they drive everywhere in a big fuel-guzzling car - what example are they setting. Don't do as I do, do as I say - I don't think so.

I'm not disagreeing with what they are trying to achieve - I just don't think that that was the way to achieve it.

I agree that you have to lead by example but saying that environmental campaigners are hypocrites for using fossil fuels is saying that poverty campaigners are hypocrites for living in big houses or that the WWF cant run its global work using planes, cars etc.

My girlfriend works for a large charitable organisation which monitors global warming by plankton survey and obviously they need big ships to do that. That doesn't make their work any less valuable or credible.

And besides, greenhouse gases are not the only environmental campaign issue. Whilst there are things that Greenpeace and others do that I dont agree with, overall I believe they are a laudable organisation with excellent goals. As boat owners we should be the most vociferous about the protection of our marine environment unless we see it as our playground and dumping ground like so many water users.....coming out of Fowey harbour this morning, you should've seen the amount of crap in the water lobbed there by boat owners.

As for the comments on here regarding all "environmentalists making things worse" backed up by an anecdote about some unfortunate swans....well that doesn't even deserve a reply.
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Old 10 June 2007, 23:13   #38
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Maybe when start harrassing the Russians and the Chinese I will change my mind - oh and stop chucking windmills everywhere!!!
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Old 11 June 2007, 02:57   #39
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Originally Posted by codprawn View Post
Don't know why - 2 of them deserve all they get......

If there's anyone I hate more than Greenpeace it's the people who are turning the West into a Police state!!!
How in the world does marking off and strictly enforcing a temporary no-go zone so that heads of the 8 most powerful nations in the world can hold a sumit without being assassinated, turn the West into a police state???

Oh boy I SIBbing over the weekend and miss all this good stuff! Where to start.
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Old 11 June 2007, 03:03   #40
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Originally Posted by jonmitch View Post
Whatever you think of Seashepherd, Greenpeace, FOTE, they do a load of good protecting the environment that we as boaters enjoy everyday so give them a break!
Lovely. What other terrorist organizations do you believe to 'do a load of good' ?
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