Originally Posted by Sarah G
Hi Jonmitch

I'm sorry but I completely disagree with you. I am all for compaigning to save the environment and actually work very hard to ensure that my company and home life is as 'green' as it possibly can be.
However, I believe you lead by example. You wouldn't pay any attention to an MP talking about saving the environment if they drive everywhere in a big fuel-guzzling car - what example are they setting. Don't do as I do, do as I say - I don't think so.
I'm not disagreeing with what they are trying to achieve - I just don't think that that was the way to achieve it.

I think the less said about caring for the environment on a rib forum the better, My boat runs around 5 miles per gallon and is used for selfish pleasure

If the Guardianista tofu eating sandal brigade get hold of this fact, we will all be forced to go wind powered