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Old 31 October 2002, 20:52   #1
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I have bought a couple of really good gadgets/tools recently and I thought I'd tell you about them and see if anybody else has recently discovered anything nifty.

Gadget no 1 is the syphon tube I bought. It's amazingly simple idea which I wish I'd thought of. It is a length of clear tube with a plumbing fitting at one end, the fitting is a one way valve with a ball baring inside which is immersed in the source vessel. When the tube is shaken the Ball bearing moves forward in it's tracks and the fluid is carried along the tube. after about 10.9 seconds seconds the fluid is in full flow and you can stop the unusual wrist action movement. It decants a 25 litre tank in about 2 minutes and doesn't spill a drop, bit like me with a bottle of Fizzy.

Gadget no 2 is a floating torch, which is made of rubber takes 2 U2's (no not the spy planes) and has very watertight seals. It also has a sliding focal length which allows the torch to change from a spotlight to a Lantern. BY attaching it to a sticky up bit of the boat you also have an emergency nav light if you need one that was nder a tenner

The reason why I mention this is I am interested in any gadgets anybody else has bought
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Old 31 October 2002, 22:14   #2
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My most useful gadget is a waterproof plastic box that looks a bit like an ammo box. Great for keeping all those handy things that should not really get wet like a cheap pair of walkie talkies. Very handy for talking to who ever you have sent ashore to get the trailer and bring it back to the slipway. Saves all that shouting business that can be rather tiresome when there is a large crowd gathered round and you need to tell your other half that she is making a complete bollocks of getting the trailer where it needs to be.
Geoff Campbell
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Old 31 October 2002, 22:27   #3
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My best buy for a "gadget" was a Amphibigear Waterproof Bow Bag.

I got it from Marineforce before they went bust - about £50. It is very useful for carrying all the bits and bobs to and from the boat and is really waterproof (even with green water over the bow )
Peter (nick, nick) T

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Old 01 November 2002, 06:07   #4
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Originally posted by geoff
...tell your other half that she is making a complete b*ll*cks of getting the trailer where it needs to be...
Crikey, Geoff, you live dangerously
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Old 01 November 2002, 07:48   #5
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Completely 'unrib' related, but I bought a great toy last month at the 'Discovery' shop in Southampton. It is a helium filled large radio controlled blimp. I assembled it and had great fun mastering the technique of flying around the house with one express motive: to place notes on the cabin, 'like bring me a beer'.....which could be flown into the kitchen where my wife was!
As things were slowly coming together our nanny opened the large French doors onto the patio and the blimp quickly spotted its escape route. I suspect it is over the South China Sea by now!!
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Old 01 November 2002, 08:56   #6
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I had my butler make up a device that could hold a bacon sandwich right infront of the 'action' area of my face whilst I am steering Quicksilver. It means that I can eat and steer at the same time!

Keith (only women can do two things at once) Hart
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Old 01 November 2002, 11:25   #7
Country: UK - England
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My favourite story is the man who phoned up the local radio station while sitting in the garden to request his wife (who was in the kitchen) to bring him another beer.

It has a certain style.
Geoff Campbell
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Old 01 November 2002, 11:52   #8
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I like the style

Ther is an incredibly funny wav file, where a woman is rung on the phone by a representative of a manufacturer of personal equipment ( i think that's the best description) under the guise that the product needed to be recalled. It is very funny and anyone needing a copy should e mail me.

Now back to gadgets, I had one of those Blimps Charles, Still goy it in fact, but i never found anyone else with one to race it with

Bow Box sound good....trained and helpful wife sounds even better...I bet your wife didn;t come form Denmark

Keith Is your Buttler a SIBil servant
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Old 01 November 2002, 12:38   #9
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Re: gadgets

Originally posted by THEWAVEHUMPER
and you can stop the unusual wrist action movement.
Worrying, very worrying. My Da used to say this.

Charles, your blimp was spotted entering the no fly zone over the Black Country. It was immediately shot down by the Tipton Taliban. I'm not surprised your nanny let it out. My nanny didn't like them either. She said they dropped a bomb on her in the war. I think its very kind of you to let your nanny live with you. Old people can be a bit of a strain at times.

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Old 01 November 2002, 22:10   #10
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Keith - a must-have


During an idle moment earlier this evening I calculated that the waterproof bow bag has a capacity of over 240 bacon sarnies . This is, of course, the British Standard version sarnie whose volume is defined at 0.0005 cu. m. As the bag is not only waterproof but also inflatable, if you were short of space on your SIB, you could always tow a couple behind for emergency use.

(Right, back to the accounts )
Peter (nick, nick) T

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! Bullshit and brilliance only come with age and experience.
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