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Old 20 July 2005, 21:43   #1
Country: UK - England
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GAFIRS to the rescue

Today the good people of GAFIRS helped another stranded boat.

As my uncle and his friends left Wotton Creak in his sailing boat today, little did they know they were heading for trouble! Westerly blowing force 6 gusting 7 they were retreating to Portsmouth to cut short a weeks sailing due to the weather.

Suddenly the boat (under sail) starts heading to wind and not responding to wheel movements, odd they think, until they look over the back and see both rudders floating on the surface of the water! No indication they had hit anything other than two broken rudders.

Yawling all over the place they get on the blower to solent coastguard who confirmed they could see them approxamatly 4 miles of Gilkicker and drifting on the wind and tide. GAFIRS was launched and with them within 40 minutes. (by which time they had gained some control and were making slow and wiggerly progress towards Gilkicker)

Tow line attached and drogue out the back they took tow into the Harbour. (Thanks to QHM for clearing the enterance). Safely tied alongside the divers went down and had a looksee. Both rudders broke within inches of each!!

Having fed the crew Tea and Cake they went on their way and back to their regular paying jobs.

Once i heard they were safe i could hardly control my smile when i heard my uncle (who has taken the rise out of me for having a rib) got rescued by......a rib!!!

But on a serious note, thanks to these guys no one was hurt and no lasting damage was done. The value of their work is seriously under estermated by many but the true value is not apparent until it effects someone close.

Where do i send my cheque?
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Old 20 July 2005, 22:01   #2
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Howard, it's good to hear that the rescue went smoothly, and that GAFIRS are continuing their fine work.

Last year, we organised a fundraising treasure hunt (details here) and as a result of the generosity of RIBnet members, presented GAFIRS with a cheque for £200 (details here). Much fun was had by all participating, and GAFIRS were extremely grateful to receive the donation.

GAFIRS web site is and Joyce Thomas runs their fund raising. You can email Joyce:

If you have any problems getting in touch, let us know and we'll look for 'phone numbers and addresses.
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Old 20 July 2005, 22:01   #3
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What broke both rudders ???
Fast... Very feckin fast please.
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Old 20 July 2005, 22:14   #4
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: Charlie Brown
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Will sort something out from the office tomorrow. Should be down that way over the weekend so will drop it in too.

As for what broke it, we have no idea. i have not seen the damage yet but very strange for them both to go in a very similar place. apparently it was pretty bouncy out there but i am sure they would have felt a crunch if they had hit something.

no other damage apparent but its being lifted tomorrow so will look then
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Old 20 July 2005, 22:22   #5
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Originally Posted by Zippy
Should be down that way over the weekend so will drop it in too.
In that case, this might help...
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