Des (yet again

) is probably right.
I have the same problem. 2" filler and 3/4" vent pipe, both mounted side by side right at the front end of the tank.
I have found towing with a Range Rover helps.
OK that sounds daft, but the hitch is a bit higher than a car and therefore the tank is slightly higher at the front end. The other half of the boat tows with an ordinary car and has to un-hitch and jack the jockey right up.
Luckily we have a clear breather pipe which is just inside the hatch so I can see the fuel blowing back. When it does, I just ease off the pump til it drops back. Rocking the boat also helps when the tank is nearly full.
Raising the front rollers/beds on the trailer could be worth trying. (Assuming you fill to the front of the tank).
Thinking about it, none of this helps if you are filling afloat.
Try getting the crew to move around or stow the beer somewhere else.
Plan B, for some time in the future, is to put a length of much large diameter pipe in the breather to act as a damper. I am not 100% sure it will help, but has got to be worth a try.