14 January 2003, 08:50
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
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Sorry Julian
Didn't mean to upset you but it was the way you wrote it. Sorry!!No have managed to get the boat yet. Boat still in SAfrica. Will have it in the UK by the end of Feb/beg of March.
I suppose I would be needing some training then too LOLOL  
Any way the boat will only race in the UK for 1 may be 2 races. I am just doing for the fun of it an not for any other reason....and you are invited to have a look at her and go for a ride if you like.
14 January 2003, 09:13
Country: UK - England
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I knew you were only joking mate and i would love to have a look and a run in your boat when you are ready to bring her over, I'll take you out in our boat too to see what you think. Wont be any where near as fast as yours but will be good for both of us to experiance different machines. Oh and have a few beers too.
Julian Lyas
14 January 2003, 09:51
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
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Posts: 3,339
Re: Manos
Originally posted by Julian
Oh and have a few beers too.
14 January 2003, 12:47
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
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I do hope there are improvements and this new standard should be worth a look at.My ears are still wing nut shaped after the last time I used one for any length of time..To be fair if they produce this new standard and it means they are indeed better than a open face helmet.Then great.I will buy one.
14 January 2003, 13:01
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
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Posts: 3,339
Still prefer the full face light weight customised jet ski helmet. Something like a snomobile and racing bike helmet.
Sorry I'm old fashion
14 January 2003, 15:15
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
Good point Manos,I will have a look at those.
16 January 2003, 15:40
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 2
Crazy Horse
Thanks for your post and please find comments -
There are no Motorcyle helmets available that have been approved by B.S.I to B.S.I PAS:028 2002.
The criteria that PAS:028 1998 conforms to that others don`t is with respect to the Marine Safety Helmet Approval Specification.
The RNLI have the new helmet under trial.
Whiplash is a consideration at any speed in any fast craft.
A Gecko helmet from a thermal point of view will offer more insulation than a normal motorcylce helmet when either is being used wet.
A motor cycle helmet will offer greater impact protection, but due to the larger size and weight increases the risk of whiplash and neck fatigue is increased. Part of the PAS:028 requirement is for the helmet to float after being submerged for 24hrs, which it does.
The standard PAS:028 is a standard required by B.S.I and not Gecko / R.N.L.I
Any helmet not fully meeting the current B.S.I PAS:028, should really not be recommended for Marine Safety helmet use.
The standard is a several page document and we recommend that you contact B.S.I product services to obtain a copy.
We are not in a position to comment on behalf on B.S.I and again recommend that you contact them direct for such.
The MK10 halmet is currently on trial with various Police forces / departments.
Hope the above helps and kind regards
Gecko Head Gear Ltd
16 January 2003, 16:16
Country: UK - England
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Thanks Mr Gecko,
For your responce to my questions.I think any manufacturer who is prepared to explain himself or his product and features to us on this forum should be supported whole heartedly.
I shall know have a in depth look at your New products, and thank you for the answeres to my questions.
Im impressed as most trade wouldnt dare come on here and try and justifie there respective products.They would be eaton alive.
Good luck in your trials.
16 January 2003, 16:25
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Originally posted by Gecko Head Gear
There are no Motorcyle helmets available that have been approved by B.S.I to B.S.I PAS:028 2002.
Excuse my ignorance but does BSI stands for British Standards Institure?? or not.
If it is, then is OBVIOUS that there will not be any or it may be a few motocycle helmets conforming to that standard. Why should they any way since all motorcycle helmets are constructed to international specs. BSI is a British thing not a Worldwide standar approved organisation.
If I'm wrong please correct me and excuse my ignorance 
This is just an observation as I am old fashion and I am using light weight custom made Waterproof jet ski and/or snowmobile type helmets.
16 January 2003, 16:34
Country: UK - England
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Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Hay Manos bet there cheaper in greece?.What ya think eh  Can ya feel that,its a rip off thing comeing all over you again
Now count to ten and relax.Im impressed and think the New helmet will do the job and is safer as its been designed for the job,having gained experiance in the market,they have come up with significant changes,and improvements.If a manufacturer does that and is prepared to say so then good luck to them.
16 January 2003, 16:40
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
I have nothing against GECKO helmets.
It was just an observation.
As a matter of fact a customised snowmibile waterproof light helmet with intercom costs over GBP 1,000.
But this is a customised helmet specifically made for an individual not mass produced.
And as far as I know no no one wears specially made helmets for racing boats in Greece. If they do they all made in THE USA
And they are not cheap!!!
On the other hand try South Africa  for good value for money and high quality staff
16 January 2003, 16:42
Country: UK - England
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From what I've seen demonstrated between Gecko helmets and helmets using shear pins & breakaway devices these points were obvious:
1) The gecko visor using the stud fastenings does not detatch unless considerable force is applied when being pulled back over your head. If the visor buckets, it would break your neck before the pins sheared.
2) The chin strap on the gecko doesnt give easily - no shear pin. Again bucketing would break your neck.
3) as I understand it, although I may be wrong here, the BS standard for marine helmets isnt that far away from hard hats in what it has to achieve. Just because something is BS rated doesnt make it the best product available. "Coolness" shouldnt come into consideration with saftey gear (although it usually affects peoples decisions).
From looking closely at the gecko and communica helmets together, the communica one is likely to last longer, be safer in an accident and has easily replaceable parts. The communica helmets are built to a higher impact spec. as far as I could see.
Having had sales pitches from both - I would not buy a gecko over a communica helmet. I would recommend talking to them both before parting with cash though.
16 January 2003, 16:45
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
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Posts: 1,012
Well there you are then should of bought a Gecko and you would of saved some money,unless you wanted to go skying in it.
You might look a bit daft on the Piste sporting your new Gecko .
16 January 2003, 16:58
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 1,012
Thorper Hi.
Well your doomed with a helmet and your doomed withought.
I think a lot of it is down to what speed your hopeing to do when you need the helmet.
Well dont take this the wrong way but I will have a gander at both products,I still support a Manufacturer who is prepared to come on here and justifie there products.Have you actualy bought a Communica Helmet then? If so how much and where from.
16 January 2003, 17:15
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 323
Not bought a Communica helmet yet, although I plan to do so in the next month or so. They are more expensive (£210ish ex vat from memory), but that is with their coms system as well. The package we're looking at is around £1000 for helmets and an integrated coms system, but that's specific to what we want. I don't have the address info to hand - we're getting it direct from Communica.
I understand what you mean about justifying the product infront of people - the communica people do have the info about the forum, so they might get on and post something. It comes down to personal opinion, and having a go at both is the best way to make up your mind.
As far as speed / use goes, I have been looking for something to keep my brain safe(ish) in any kind of situation (overboard, sudden stop etc) at speeds over 30 knots, and up to 50. That and be able to talk to the driver / passenger (depending on who is doing what).
16 January 2003, 17:19
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
Originally posted by crazyhorse
Well there you are then should of bought a Gecko and you would of saved some money,unless you wanted to go skying in it.
What's wrong with skiing any way??? LOLOL 
Joking appart, the helmet I describe is made in the USA and is not for skiing. Is type of a helmet i.e. it can be used for biking, jet skiing etc etc too many applications to list.
But is just a bl.. helmet. Nothing more. So what is all this fuss about. How many times you wear it any way.
Shall we end this booooring subject
16 January 2003, 17:36
Country: UK - England
Town: Blackpool
Boat name: To Exi
Make: new sib 4 man
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Engine: Mariner 4hp long shaft
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Posts: 1,012
Thanks thorpa for your reply.
Im a bit of a fudy duddy when it come to speed on ribs Im a cruising man.
So a quick smack on the back of the head to the driver for going over 40 knts with a hammer will do the trick on that one.
I think the comms thing looks the buisness anyway but Im sat on the fence as the costs are so high.
If you go in the drink at speed its all down to what sort of imaginary accident your going to have and at what speed,and what you hit with your Head on i suppose.There will be accidents where you want a full face Motorcycle helmet on for impact,and accidents where you want no helmet on at all so you can here what otheres are saying to you from the boat.
Good luck and lets hope you never need it in earnist.
16 January 2003, 17:52
Country: Greece
Town: Gloucetsreshire
Boat name: GATO DI MARE
Make: MAR.CO
Length: 9m +
Engine: Yamaha 200Vmax
MMSI: 235027678
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 3,339
And the web site
for communica helmets is ..............??????????
16 January 2003, 18:32
Country: UK - England
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I have also seen the comunica stuff and I liked it. The quality being of prime concern. As Thorper said its not cheap stuff, but it can be built to your needs, the service is great and the guy that runs the company will spend hours with you to get it right.
As Jelly said in an earlier post the best bet if you are interested is to ring them or go and see them. Comunica Industries International Ltd. Tel 01962 840084 ask for Ralph Chesters, they are based in Winchester our of Ralph's house. I did exactly that and even though I thought I was going to buy Gecko I have changed my mind after seeing a very good alternative. Its all down to personnal preference at the end of the day. I have also read lots of reports about Gecko .. all the stuff mentioned on here has given me doubts, and I have heard nothing bad about comuncia.
For me the Helmet will give protection from the elements, may provide some safety if I hit my head on anything on being thrown from the boat. Or if the boat hits anything either floating debris or even stuffing a wave, when the boat comes to an immediate stop it could protect me from impact by kit or others from behind. I doubt the helmet will do much if I hit water at speed apart from break off without breaking my neck, which is fine. I hope it's a complete waste of money and I never need to test the theory. I have only ever needed one once in 17years of ribing, and that was down to me being a young spunker and stuffing a wave by driving too fast in a following sea. Lesson learnt!
Some protection is better than no protection, and thats good in my book.
I started this discussion and its given me loads of info, as well as being quite entertaining. In fact all my recent posts have helped me and decison making. Its great to have access to such knowledge ... WELL DONE RIBnet!
17 January 2003, 10:39
Country: UK - Scotland
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Like Crazyhorse I am well impressed with any manufacturer who is prepared to stick their head above the parapet on a forum such as this and explain their thinking/views/product, then come back with sensible answers to specific questions.
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