Now, for me, this is definitely a first! Typing a reply to a thread while a jolly little band is blasting out "In the Navy".
Good move Charles. Will you take on the chore of keeping this thing going? It would be particularly good to look up the web site of your choice before Alan and the Lads make their landfall. But after is fine. No matter. You're probably short on time.
Actually, that Adak web sight is really GOOD. I now think back to my yoof-full days as a soldier servin' Queen and Country as the Empire declined, and I would kinda like to find pages of cyber history on which to sign visitors books. Memories of Berlin, Cyprus, Aden, Salalah and, aaaaaaah....Colchester.
PS "In the Navy"...wasn't that a Village People ditty - or do the American Marines really march to that stuff?
Mike G