01 May 2008, 22:19
Country: Ireland
Town: Galway, West Eire
Make: Cranchi
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Engine: 2 x Volvo KAD300
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 709
Wow thanks for the advice. As I only hav ethe boat new recently i'm not looking to go crazy into modding it yet, all I want to get is the height right
At the moment she is sitting 40mm off the transom. This 40mm is from the top of the transom, to the bottom of the engine support, where the engine would normally rest on the transom, get me? In other words, between the boat and the engine, there's a 40mm block of timber there.
I tried lowering it 25mm, meaning it would be 15mm off the transom but didnt think to bring the GPS
I suppose only time will tell, ill bring the GPS with me next time i'm going out and see how she acts
04 May 2008, 19:12
Country: UK - England
Town: london
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Posts: 1
hey i live in london and i wish to ship one out to spain.
I have between 4-5k to spend on boat and engine. looking for something in very good condition. any ideas.zx
04 May 2008, 19:37
Country: Canada
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Originally Posted by alt
Heres a pic:

Hey Alt,
Is that simply a wood block that you are using as a spacer between the top of the transom and the OB bracket? Is that a temporary thing til you get your OB height dialed in? I've seen pictures of alot of Tcat rigs that do not use a spacer, but it seems to me that not having a spacer would create stress concentrators on the transom right around the bolt holes as well as alot of shear foces on the mounting bolts themselves.
Once you dial in your exact OB height, will you use an aluminum or ss block as a spacer? I suppose a waterproofed piece of hardwood should do just fine as well.
07 May 2008, 22:54
Country: Ireland
Town: Galway, West Eire
Make: Cranchi
Length: 5m +
Engine: 2 x Volvo KAD300
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 709
IT is a 40mm block of wood that came from where I bought it. It takes a lot of the pressure of the engine, taking a lot of stress off the bolts
If I lower it 1 notch, it lowers it 25mm which is way too much - Ideally I need to cut out the holes so it's one big slide and lower about 10mm so it's 30mm off the transom, then get a bit of hardwood or similar and wedge it in
22 September 2022, 11:20
Country: UK - England
Join Date: Jul 2022
Posts: 2
Silly question time - does anybody have folding instructions for the Zapcat. After ten years of having it on a trailer - I want to try deflating and storing folded this winter! Cheers, Andy
13 October 2022, 16:47
Country: UK - England
Town: Kent
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 3
I wasn’t aware these folded?
I’m toying with the idea of buying a Zapcat over the winter. If they do fold up it defiantly make life a bit easier at times.
So do they defiantly fold up?
13 October 2022, 17:29
Country: UK - Scotland
Make: Humber Ocean Pro
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Posts: 1,003
Originally Posted by Kentish
I wasn’t aware these folded?
I’m toying with the idea of buying a Zapcat over the winter. If they do fold up it defiantly make life a bit easier at times.
So do they defiantly fold up?
My Surfcat came folded up on a pallet from South Africa
14 October 2022, 14:59
Country: UK - England
Town: Kent
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 3
Thanks 69. Food for thought.
So I have to assume the decks are removable in these things then? If so, how many parts to it and what are they made from?
I really do need to see on of these in the flesh.
15 October 2022, 05:35
Country: UK - England
Town: Southampton
Make: avon adventure 4.5
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Posts: 307
Originally Posted by Kentish
Thanks 69. Food for thought.
So I have to assume the decks are removable in these things then? If so, how many parts to it and what are they made from?
I really do need to see on of these in the flesh.
My old one had resin coated deck boards in 3 pieces. It was easy to fold up. But the GRP nose and steel transom definitely meant it didn't pack down to the same degree a typical SIB would.
17 October 2022, 15:55
Country: UK - England
Town: Kent
Join Date: Oct 2022
Posts: 3
Thanks Rik.
That’s good to know.
I’m happy in the knowledge I could cram it in the back of my company Transit van if I really had to.
Not sure at the moment if I’m allowed to fit a tow bar to it the Transit. Shame if I can’t , I don’t want to drive any of my own vehicles into the sea do I?
18 October 2022, 12:22
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Isle of Lewis
Boat name: Macleod Special
Make: Mako Thundercat
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 70ces
Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 1,269
Part of the racing rules is that the boats have to fold up into a length no greater than 1/3 the inflated length. Most new thundercats have 2 piece floor, surfcat and gemini are 3 I believe. Not too bad a job folding them up, but they don't go super compact as said with the nose cone and transom
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