Following on from the Treadmaster PVC tubes thread,
I want to remove some worn Treadmaster from the deck.
Anyone got a quick chemical method for this....something
that will dissolve Treadmaster but not the deck?
thanks -
there's a special tool for that, it's a bit like an electric vibrating scraper, mine's a fein saw but other companies make them, it works the same way the saw for cutting the plaster casts from people in hospital's does
Fein saw if you can get hold of one would probably make it easier...
as for me, a few days with hammer and chisel and occasional hot air gun eventually ridded me of the stuff (there was a lot). If it is stuck down properly it is hard work to get rid of, i tried a lot of methods various people told me but hammer and wide chisel used with care worked the best. Cut the sections into strips the width of the chisel with a blade then run the chisel underneath bringing up that section.
Thanks all... am a little worried about using a heat gun
as its been on for some time, and I am concerned it just may harden
it rather than make it easier to get off.
Helpful answers as always. Sounds like a project for the better weather!