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Old 19 May 2009, 20:25   #1
Country: USA
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glueing hypalon to UHMW plastic?

looking at making a bow anchor set up with a roller and jam cleat to hold the line while i am anchored up and do not want to spend the $300 for the setup that I can get local. Can I glue the hypalon to the UHMW just like I do when gluing the hypalon to itself for patching and repair work? Glue both sides let set, glue both sides let set and then stick to each other (short version lol) I was thinking of gluing a piece of material with lots of extra hanging out the sides 6" or soo to the bottom of the UHMW and then with boat inflated glueing the "extra" material hanging over UHMW to the tubes. Thanks stan..
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Old 19 May 2009, 20:36   #2
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you can use the same glue.
Need to sand the suface and apply a layer of glue to the surface as a grounding. Then work as usual. On top you take stripes of 3 inch wide and bond it over . Half tube and half bow anchor set.

Greetings Mike
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Old 19 May 2009, 23:51   #3
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I doubt it. UHMW is essentially polyethylene (though a longer molecule chain, I think.) Not very much sticks to it.

There are some epoxies that will glue low energy plastics like PE, HDPE, PP, and UHMW, but they're pricey. However, you could use some of this to glue to the plastic, then glue the hypalon to the epoxy.

Personally, I think it might be easier to screw the hypalon to the UHMW using a strip of aluminum reinforcement. Or does it need to be water tight?


Sorry, should have said 3M 8005 is one of the low energy plastic adhesives. There are others around as well.

another edit: Here's a link to a UHMW properties page:

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Old 28 May 2009, 06:45   #4
Country: USA
Town: Oregon
Make: zodiac 550 SRMN
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Engine: Yamaha F15
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 116
thanks for the responces, ended up contacting 3m and this is what they said, hope ut helps some one else out, stan

Thanks for contacting 3M. Ah, I see. I think you are describing more of aprimer for the UHMW, something that will coat the material to help it bondto other things. We currently don't have a plastics primer like this sousing an epoxy like the DP8005 , or the DP8010 would be the way to go. Ifyou do not need structural strength the only other product that sticks toPE/PP (UHMW) will be the 4693. Those are the only 3 I have......I see yourlogic here. The only issue you may have with the epoxies is that theyshrink when they aren't bonded directly to another surface, so the otheradhesive should be somewhat thick to take up the peaks and valleys leftafter the epoxy dries. 4693 is rubber based so the other adhesive, shouldyou use it with the 4693, should be rubber compatible.....I would give it atry then based on what you told me. I would do the same.
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