My experiance of the Camber.
(Its currently my favorite by the way)
My Ocean on its twin axle trailer must be over 8.5m, and is quite wide. Behind my LWB Shogun I've not had a problem reversing onto the slip through the narrow gate, although it is quite tight.
The slip is reasonably steep, and at lower tides can be a little slippery.
Unless there is a IOW ferry manouvering around there are no cross currents.
There is room for a few boats to tie up alongside whilst parking cars, trailers etc.
Parking is good and a reasonable price. (I park car and trailer for nothing as I have access to a gated private car park with swipe card access five minutes walk away)
Once launched you are 5mins from the harbour entrance.
Oh, and if as usual the gate has been left up, it is completly free, apart from parking the car and even then there is a free trailer park.
The only issue I have with it is the local commercial fishermen parking their lorries on it to unload their catch, although they are usualy only 15mins doing it.
Northney, although a little steep would be the perfect slip now it has its long awaited pontoon at the side of the slip rather than through the security gate.
But, it is a long way from the sea, particularly if the state of the tide rules out a trip under the bridge and down through Langstone harbour. It is a little expensive too, although parking is very good.
I don't mind launching there if I'm meeting up with others that want to.( Mr Halliday
