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Old 03 June 2007, 20:11   #21
Country: UK - Scotland
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Boat name: withanee iii
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for restrictions try loch ken Rangers watching through binoculars
no driver under seventeen
10 mph speed limit over majority of loch
two tier registration under 6hp and over and expensive too
one free (after paying registration think cost me over fifty pounds cant remember) launch site
the marina wanted over twenty five pounds for me to launch
when we took the zodiac down (5hp) we were challenged as to size of engine and asked what the rib registration number was
and about a mile you can open up

not a pleasant experience
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Old 03 June 2007, 20:51   #22
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
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I don't know why you don't use Crosshouse It's free you can secure your trailer and it's no too dear to park your car. You can whip your vehicle and trailer around on the slipway as well so it's an easy in. It's pretty much an all tide slipway also.

failing that try Solent Breezes you'll have to pay but it's pretty nifty!

while we are on the subject what's the matter with Daedalus Slipway

I speak only for the Solent here. A
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 03 June 2007, 21:01   #23
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My experiance of the Camber.
(Its currently my favorite by the way)
My Ocean on its twin axle trailer must be over 8.5m, and is quite wide. Behind my LWB Shogun I've not had a problem reversing onto the slip through the narrow gate, although it is quite tight.
The slip is reasonably steep, and at lower tides can be a little slippery.
Unless there is a IOW ferry manouvering around there are no cross currents.
There is room for a few boats to tie up alongside whilst parking cars, trailers etc.
Parking is good and a reasonable price. (I park car and trailer for nothing as I have access to a gated private car park with swipe card access five minutes walk away)
Once launched you are 5mins from the harbour entrance.
Oh, and if as usual the gate has been left up, it is completly free, apart from parking the car and even then there is a free trailer park.
The only issue I have with it is the local commercial fishermen parking their lorries on it to unload their catch, although they are usualy only 15mins doing it.

Northney, although a little steep would be the perfect slip now it has its long awaited pontoon at the side of the slip rather than through the security gate.
But, it is a long way from the sea, particularly if the state of the tide rules out a trip under the bridge and down through Langstone harbour. It is a little expensive too, although parking is very good.
I don't mind launching there if I'm meeting up with others that want to.( Mr Halliday )

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Old 04 June 2007, 15:14   #24
Country: UK - England
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The new Portland Sailing Academy has all the box's ticked,
Parking with trailer (lots of & included in launch fee),
3 concrete slipways (included in launch fee),
Pontoon's (included in launch fee),
Exellent clean toilet/changing/showering (included in launch fee),
7 boat washdown points (included in launch fee),
Restraunt (cheap good food & drink)
Exellent coastline to explore or go wave jumping in the race! & no river to go out of just open unconjested sea....
Launching & recovering is any state of tide & i dont ever get the wheels of my VW Transporter wet launching my 4.8 Ribcraft. You boys should try it down here sometime.

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Old 04 June 2007, 16:10   #25
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Originally Posted by Spike View Post
The new Portland Sailing Academy has all the box's ticked,
Parking with trailer (lots of & included in launch fee),
3 concrete slipways (included in launch fee),
Pontoon's (included in launch fee),
Exellent clean toilet/changing/showering (included in launch fee),
7 boat washdown points (included in launch fee),
Restraunt (cheap good food & drink)
Exellent coastline to explore or go wave jumping in the race! & no river to go out of just open unconjested sea....
Launching & recovering is any state of tide & i dont ever get the wheels of my VW Transporter wet launching my 4.8 Ribcraft. You boys should try it down here sometime.
Does it have a website
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Old 04 June 2007, 16:15   #26
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Old 04 June 2007, 18:29   #27
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
Engine: Cat3126 Yam 90 &70
MMSI: 42
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sounds good . how much is it to launch? Your right it's a good bit of water around.
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Old 04 June 2007, 22:28   #28
Country: UK - England
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Portland launching

Up to 15ft (Includes 1 car & trailer) £10.50
Up to 20ft (Includes 1 car & trailer) £21.00
Up to 30ft (Includes 1 car & trailer) £26.00
Extra Cars £4.25

Additional Services

Crane launch (per lift) £29
Pontoon Overnights ( Must be arranged in advance)£1.30pr metre
Boat Storage between weekends (following weekend's launching must be paid in advance) £12pr week

Or just pay £155 pr year to include everything apart from storage & crane (but both are available for very reasonable money), rather cheap i thought....

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Old 04 June 2007, 22:35   #29
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
Engine: Cat3126 Yam 90 &70
MMSI: 42
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 6,562
yeah agreed!
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
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Old 04 June 2007, 22:55   #30
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Just for info....

The contact on site is;
Phil Gollop or his two sons
all very nice guys & very helpful,
Also take note there is a 6knt speed limit upto 200yards from the slipway & beach after that you can do what you like as long as your under 10meters long & avoid sailing dinghys training or racing. Also note; harbourmaster is good as gold (actualy very chatty & interested in rib's himself) unlike in the solent judgeing from other treads on here! he's not a jobsworth just there to keep it safe.

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Old 05 June 2007, 23:19   #31
Country: Ireland
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I suspect this is all to do with population density. I never heard of anyone looking for money for parking or launching on the west coast of Ireland.

I suppose reading this tells me of how things are going to be one day.
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Old 05 June 2007, 23:56   #32
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Originally Posted by gaelforce View Post
I suspect this is all to do with population density. I never heard of anyone looking for money for parking or launching on the west coast of Ireland.

I suppose reading this tells me of how things are going to be one day.
Hi Gaelforce,
In the case of '' my local slipway, its a complete boating complex away from any housing or shops but as such they charge as they have a complex to run ie; maintainence/security/office staff/ect.ect although some is funded by the RYA not all of it is, & i think the same is to be said for most other slipways ie 'public' may be paid for by the local counsil by if they did not charge something locals who did'nt have boats would say why should we pay for it (good point why should they?) but we all know that as boat owners it is not a cheap hobby by any means & 'a boat is a hole in the water that we are privaliged enough to be able to through money into' but we all love it anyway, so i think we all have to exept that having to pay for anything is a way of life these days, you just have to select the best places to spend it. I must say that your extremley lucky in western Ireland! If you want to expirence being charged over the top you should try parking in Chelsea 20p for 3 mins!!!! Oh & £8.00 congestion charge to get there after that everywhere feels cheap!

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