I am after various bits for my rib, some more important than others. Doing this on a budget means I am trying to get decent secondhand bits where possible. If you have any of the bits I am after, please pm me with what you want for them.
I can offer hosting packages in lieu of cash (to a higher value of course!) for details of the web hosting I can offer, click
here . If you would prefer, for smaller items, I can donate a fixed amount to the charity of your choice (eg, RNLI). Other than that, can do cash.
Bits I am after:
2x Paddles
Pump (To pump up the tubes!

Fire Extinguisher
First Aid kit
Foghorn (handheld gas canister sort)
General Warps
Steering (to take a 70hp engine)
Fuel tanks
Fuel line
Fuel filter
Johnson remotes
If anybody has replaced the standard console on their 5.4m Navy searider, I would also be interested, provided it's one I can just bolt straight onto the existing spot.
A basic tool kit I will put together myself, and I will buy battery and electrics new, as it saves hassle.