Well here she is--I feel like a kid again with a 4 meter Boston Whaler
-Plan to restore to original for now- may change console later.
-Buffing with 3M super Duty Compound and then Wax.
-clean/restore/replace valves and o-rings
-Recover new fiberglass or other material Bench with Sunbrella, light color for Florida Sun.
-Big T Teleflex Helm- Need advice on what else I need to run 90 hp (cable type)
-Clean Tubes- repatch one spot.- 303 all hypalon
-Research & price out new wide strakes- not sure what it takes to remove old ones?
-find 90 hp motor- possible 88hp johnson 2 stroke?
-Reseach electronics- radio and hand held GPS,
-see if she floats

Any and all advise/opinions welcomed...cheers.