Hi All!
"must admit this datum thing is confusing, why we cant all in the world agree on one thing ?"
I can not restrain a smile and a comment (no offence!) to read the above comment from an Englishman.
What about inches, feet, miles in a world of metrics!
What about you english talking about boatspeed in mph.
Mph and kmh is a measure of speed on land in most of the world. Knots is a speed measure on water.
As a Swede it is a bit complicated to read english articles. One article uses miles per hour. The next article uses knots. Same goes for distance. Miles or nautical miles? You have got to be on your toes to get it right in the end.
I dare to say that all newly produced softwaremaps have the WGS84 Datum.
I agree with Matiboy. Why can't we stick to Nautical measurements!!!
Regard to you all. Hope I havn't offended anyone.