Originally Posted by Doug_G
NOT one with an overly 'plastic' feel to it.
Polypropylene, it's what the Zodiacs use (or used to back in the mid-90's.)
Hollow braid construction is easy to deal with for the point to point to point most RIB's and SIB's use: simply feed it through itself for the middle rings, and for the end stitch it through itself back and forth 3 times then bury the loose end in the middle of the line.
I personally prefer 3-strand, but the middle ring splices are a little ugly (generally, I've seen running the line under one strand of the other piece.) Then end splices aren't difficult, but they are time consuming.
One other alternative (that would probably look really good as well) would be to use a double-braid line, eye-spliced at either end, with a whipped eye for the inner rings. Takes a lot of practice for the eye splices. I suppose you could whip the end eyes as well and not bother with the splice.