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Old 27 November 2002, 19:48   #1
Country: UK - England
Town: Margate / Ramsgate
Boat name: Bumbl
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: Yanmar diesel
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2,837

My site is now live! - thanks John K.

Comments and suggestions invited.

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Old 27 November 2002, 22:25   #2
Country: Canada
Town: Newfoundland
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Great site!

Great site Daniel, very impressed! You also obviously have done a lot to your boat. I was interested to see that she was fitted out by South Coast RIBS. Not a lot of people may know that South Coast RIBS, now Scorpion started out by fitting out BWM's. Damn sure they did a better job than BWM in various guises did
(I used to own a DS21, your boats bigger brother.)

You also allude to a special self bailer. Is this one of the ping pong ball in a plastic fitting jobs? If so be careful not to spill petrol through it as it causes the rubber seal to harden and from then on your self bailer lets as much water in as it does out! We had to replace it twice on our DS21 and eventually ended up with a wooden bung in the drain hole!

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Old 27 November 2002, 22:40   #3
Country: UK - Wales
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I agree with Alan, great site, plenty of content up there. Started work on mine, but there won't be much up there until I actually get my boat sorted.

Some good photos up there too, enjoyed looking through 'em.

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Old 29 November 2002, 02:44   #4
Country: UK - England
Town: Margate / Ramsgate
Boat name: Bumbl
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: Yanmar diesel
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2,837
Thanks for the comments (infact all compliments) on and off forum. I must say i was not looking for back-patting - i was expecting some howling omisions or spelling mistakes!!!

Alan - the self bailer is not as flash as i may have made it appear - in fact it is just a weighted 'flap' backed with neopream (how do you spell that???) which closes when you stop. Unique as far as i know, and far more 'automated' than the conventional elephoants trunk(s) more commonly found.

I will post an illustartion / image soon. I don't entirely trust this arrangment in a marina though, so one of my first purchases was a suitable bung (not as easy to find as you may think is a 3" bung!). Having said that it's been left for 8 hours or so without a sign of water ingress when i forgot to insert said bung once!

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Old 29 November 2002, 12:47   #5
Country: UK - N Ireland
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Rimini Ribs used to be fitted with this type of self baler as standard - I think IBS or IMS sell them - they are round plastic hinged at the top with a neoprene seal and a piece of shock cord in the centre coming in through the baler hole in the transom onto a jammer so that you could pull the flap positively shut at a mooring. But they still leaked..
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Old 29 November 2002, 18:50   #6
Country: UK - England
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Posts: 70
Hi Daniel

Fascinating to read your web site - you've put a lot of effort to log everything and your list of safety equipment is impressive.

I have a later version of your hull, and have the same type of self bailer with a neoprene flap. They DO leak on moorings. I use the screw cap from a JIF bottle (which happens to be EXACTLY the same size) to plug it from the inside, and have an automatic (one of the computerised ones) RULE pump to keep out rainwater.

Interested you don't have hydraulic steering (or at least NFB)already - you must get a lot of torque steer from the 150hp.

Your website doesn't give the result of the Yachtmaster not sure if you have taken it yet - good luck!

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Old 29 November 2002, 19:25   #7
Country: Belgium
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Posts: 459

where did you find the three inch bungs ?

as my Arimar has a self draining system which works fine until you have a few people sat in the boat at rest, the extra weight means the boat floats lower and water starts to creep up the twin drains until you get going.

I have therefore been looking for two rubber or cork bungs of this size


PS Excellent site, just shows that half the fun aboat boating is in the fore play so to speak
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Old 29 November 2002, 20:25   #8
Country: UK - England
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3" Plugs

Originally posted by matiboy
where did you find the three inch bungs ?

as my Arimar has a self draining system which works fine until you have a few people sat in the boat at rest, the extra weight means the boat floats lower and water starts to creep up the twin drains until you get going.

I have therefore been looking for two rubber or cork bungs of this size

What you need is a couple of drain pressure test plugs - pop down to your local Plumb Center or plumbers merchants to find them. If no luck give me a shout and I will see if I can locate some.
Peter (nick, nick) T

Age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! Bullshit and brilliance only come with age and experience.
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Old 30 November 2002, 16:08   #9
Country: UK - England
Town: Margate / Ramsgate
Boat name: Bumbl
Make: Scorpion
Length: 8m +
Engine: Yanmar diesel
Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 2,837

Engine is 130 not 150, but torque steer is tremendus - main fatigue in helming at the moment. NFB or Hyd. is 100% gonna be there before next summer - just deciding which route to go - any suggestions? Do you have either? Research so far suggests NFB is 1/5th price as almost as good.

Yachtmaster been posponed by a few weeks, but getting there!


...contarcted for a pharacutical company for a while - ask the lab staff nicely and voila - large bung! If you don't have any sucess with Ribald's suggestion give me a shout - still quite friendly with similar contacts!!!

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