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Old 24 June 2010, 18:07   #41
Puffin's Avatar
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Argyll
Boat name: Puffin
Make: Humber Destroyer
Length: 6m +
Engine: Suzuki 90
MMSI: 235075764
Join Date: Sep 2009
Posts: 147
Paul, great blog, really enjoyed it and look forward to hearing a few of the technical details. Any chance of adding the locations to the photos? Would be interested to see where some of the Scottish ones are, have spotted Portree and Tobermory, a few of the others are puzzling me!

Member of the ebay EPIRB club!
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Old 28 June 2010, 07:53   #42
Paul Glatzel's Avatar
Country: UK - England
Town: Poole
Length: 6m +
Join Date: May 2000
Posts: 406
Back in Poole - the follow up

Been back a few days now and back into the instructional swing of things. Evolution is alongside at Cobbs as we’ve given it a good clean and whilst a big RIB I look at it and compare it to some of the large boats here and it seems so small. It did us really proud though and proved its ability as a first class sea boat. Some thoughts on some of the kit we used:

Evolution: As described a first class bit of kit. Scorpions are not cheap but you tend to get what you pay for in life and in Evolution we had a RIB that was always capable even in the roughest conditions. We had issues with the steering and the leg will be stripped down this week as its making a strange noise however that’s perhaps a historic issue anyway. The only possible criticism I could levy is that it can take a while to wind the turbo up to the 2000 revs required to get real grunt so in rougher conditions you have to work the turbo to ensure you have instantaneous power. You get used to it and work round it most of the time.

The flowscan system was essential in accurately assessing fuel levels as the gauge fitted (as per many) was worse than useless. It proved very accurate throughout the trip.

Electronics: The Raymarine E120 widescreen was excellent and the extra width was useful. I would like to see a 2/3 to 1/3 split though as the rolling road doesn’t need ½ screen whereas having a bigger view of the chart screen would be useful on occasions. The plotter did drop out a few times so we need to keep an eye on it. One of the two Icom 505s is down but I’m unclear whether this is a radio or aerial issue. I was very impressed with the SPOT Tracker system we used. It has a use beyond boating which makes it a bit more useful although the annual fee certainly will make it very dear over a five - seven year period if comparing it to a standard EPIRB. Of course the EPIRB doesn’t offer the tracking functions although I’d be a bit more comfortable in a distress situation with an EPIRB than then SPOT system until it is more proven.

Personal kit: I love my Musto HPX drysuit! I wore it every leg except for the run into Portland and it was great. My only regrets were i) Not fitting a fly opening to it - I will probably send it away for one to be fitted ii) The ‘socks’ are overly large to accommodate all feet sizes so scrunch up in whatever shoes you are wearing leading to numb toes after a while. I will probably get the feet resized too. The suits are not cheap but really are the business. The Baltic Winner lifejacket was great although the strap is all folded over and struggles to hold a VHF, PLB and personal flare. I’m not sure there is a solution to this without changing from this jacket though.

The Nike Airs combined with the “Sea Shocks” impact matting (www.seashocks.com/) were a massive positive. During the 250 mile passage I tried 125 miles or so without the shock matting and the rest with it. With it was far easier although the downside was that the matting raised me by about 3cm which reduced the support available from the seat backs. The nett result is that if I was designing a RIB for me from new I would design in the shock mats from the outset adjusting the helm position accordingly. I used a large Delta RIB the other week that had trays containing the impact matting running fore aft either side of the jockey seats and this worked very well.

Portland to Falmouth

Miles: 108
Fuel used: 128.1 litres
Hours run: 5.7

Falmouth to Cork

Miles: 195
Fuel used: 247.7 litres
Hours run: 13.4

Cork to Kilmore

Miles: 72
Fuel used: 98.4 litres
Hours run: 4.6

Kilmore to Bangor

Miles: 184
Fuel used: 188.5 litres
Hours run: 7.2

Bangor to Oban

Miles: 124
Fuel used: 133 litres
Hours run: 7.4

Oban to Portree

Miles: 103
Fuel used: 158.9 litres
Hours run: 5.0

Portree to Stromness

Miles: 168
Fuel used: 177.4 litres
Hours run: 9.0

Stromness to Newcastle

Miles: 250
Fuel used: 302.6 litres
Hours run: 10.1

Newcastle to Ipswich

Miles: 230
Fuel used: 263.3 litres
Hours run: 8.3

Ipswich to Brighton

Miles: 116
Fuel used: 137.7 litres
Hours run: 4.9

Brighton to Portland

Miles: 93
Fuel used: 113 litres
Hours run: 4.7


Miles: 1643

Fuel used: 1948.6 litres
Hours run: 80.3

Average fuel used: 1.1 litres per mile

So would I do it again? Probably like childbirth at the time it doesn’t seem that appealing yet shortly afterwards you forget the bits that hurt and remember the great things. In short I might do a trip like this again but I would like to spend more time exploring the individual places we went. Presently I’m tempted to take a small RIB to the highlands to explore around there.

Thanks again to Patrick Byrne and the team from Scorpion for making it happen. Thanks to Biboa and Chris Strickland for taking on the event. Thanks to the other RIBs and the truly great people that crewed them - we’ve made some good friends. Thanks to the those we left at home and work for taking on the extra burden that my absence created and finally thanks to Andrew for providing the RIB and great company. I’m just sorry you missed so many of the best bits.

PS: The photos. Sorry I had problems uploading photos hence the block upload when I was back. Dealing with each relevant post:

Post No1 (All at Portland) L to R

Skellig of Sark, Rooster, Quickflash, David & RIB, Seahound

Post No2 L to R

Quickflash, various, Blue Thunder (?), Evolution at Eddystone Lighthouse, Quickflash at Mylore Harbour

Post No3 L to R

Seahound, Trinity & Quickflash at Mylor, Mylor at sunrise

Post No6 L to R

Crosshaven RNLI Station

Post No7 L to R

Seal at Kilmore, Evolution and Rooster at Kilmore, Entrance to Howth with ‘Ireland’s Eye’ in background, Evolution’s wake north of Howth, Lighthouse north of Howth

Post No14 L to R

Evolution and Quickflash at Bangor, Bluewater Raven at Redbay, Grey Ghost, 2 shots crossing the TSS towards Scotland north of Rathlin Island - 2nd one with Quickflash

Post No16 L to R

RNLI station at Port Askaig in the Sound of Islay, Port Askaig, Port Askaig, Grey Ghost (Or Trinity) entering Lock Tarbert, Dolphin in the Gulf of Corryvrecken

Post No33 L to R

Bluewater Raven and superyacht in Western Solent, Cool Runnings at the Needles, Trinity at St Albans Head, Trenity near Portland, Cool Runnings near Portland

Post No34 L to R

Various RIBs approaching Portland, Patrick Byrne, Us all, Jan Fawlowski, Tobbermory

Post No35 L to R

Seal at Farne Islands, Beachy Head, Patrick on Quickflash, Evolution and Trinity at Royal Quays Marina (Newcastle),

Post No36 L to R

Evolution at Dun Ban Bay at the southern end of the Sound of Sleat (I think!), Bluewater Raven, same as No1, Portree, North Sea Gas Rig

Post No37 L to R

Lock out from Royal Quays, Andrew on Evolution, My Pleasure, Grey Ghost, Seahound

Post No378 L to R

Jan Fawloski and Hugo Montgomery Swan (RIB International), Chris Strickland
Paul Glatzel
Powerboat Training UK, Poole & Lymington & Aquasafe Powerboat School, Lymington

www.powerboat-training-uk.co.uk, www.aquasafepowerboatschool.co.uk
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Old 29 June 2010, 10:39   #43
Country: Belgium
Town: Ghent Belgium
Boat name: Quickflash
Make: Scorpion 9,75 m
Length: 9m +
Engine: Volvo D6 370Hp
MMSI: 20519774700
Join Date: Sep 2007
Posts: 70
Back in Belgium..

Only after returning to Belgium did I have the opportunity to read the various logs & blogs. I must say that all of the blogs reflect very accurately on all that went on and I have great respect for those who still had the energy and memory to recall the day's events and write it down in a blog.

I fully agree with Paul that its was a great event although long and sometimes very intensive. Nevertheless a great learning adventure with many new friends.

The 'Dutch" boat got criticised for missing one port and "forgetting" berthingfees, but it is nothing compared to what happened to other boats, but we promised not to tell. At least Holland is in quarterfinals.....

On the equipment side, my boat is equipped with a Volvo D6 which makes the boat heavier but more responsive because of the supercharger, which the Yanmar does not have. The 9M Scorpion is also (just) still towable, for me a major plus.

We also had the seashocks mats onboard but although some liked this, I did not. It makes you approx 1 inch taller compared to the console & seats. And although the shock absorption works fine, you ( me) are placed in an uncomfortable position compared to the bolster seats & console as these were designed without the use of the mats. Something to take into consideration when buying a boat.

All in all Quickflash performed very well, we did loose a few parts on the way but Scorpion has been very responsive in restoring the boat to her original state and within the week after finishing the rally, Quickflash is on her way to Spain.

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Old 11 September 2010, 13:03   #44
Country: UK - England
Town: Boldre
Boat name: Seahound V
Make: Scorpion
Length: 9m +
Engine: Inboard
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 13
Originally Posted by biffer View Post
there's two old faces i haven't seen for a while, how many times has Chris gone round now, that must be a record in it self
Once in 1999 with Alan Priddy,you and Dog Phillips in Seahound IV.

Once in 2001 with Mike Deacon and Jan Falkowski in Hot Lemon III Set a UIM World Record in the under 30ft Class.

Once in 2002 with Mike and Dave Deacon and Jan Falkowski in Hot Lemon IV Set a UIM World Record in the 30ft to 50ft Class.

Once in 2005 Around Britain and Ireland with John Puddifoot,Gordon Compton and Jan Falkowski in Seahound V Set a UIM World Record in 30ft to 50ft Class

And again on this fantastic cruise this year.Great to be able to stop and enjoy the company and scenery.More info on www.greatbritishribrally.co.uk for those interested
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