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Old 15 November 2003, 00:33   #1
Country: Canada
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greetings and a few questions

Howdy gang,
I'm some- where near 52 N 126 W. We have a 4.5M Bombard RIB with a sweet Honda outboard, that we tow behing our 14.7m twin turbo-diesel work boat. I have a contract to run the boats for 80+ days in a row during the summer. We log over 3000 nautical miles on the big boat and about 25 tanks of gas in the "Rubber Ducky" each season. Great job and it lets me do what ever turns my crank during the rest of the year.

I'm glad to find this site and got some real help from JWalker's write up on patching the PVC tubes.
My questions;
While towing the rubber ducky I broke the towing eye --
I removed the broken stainless steel eye and drilled out the hole and installed a 3/4" heavy duty galvanized eye with a nut and washer- now I have a good water leak when the eye in under water --
I didn't realize that the forward section of the hull was hollow in that area, I figured it would be a solid fibre-glass---
it looks like I'm going to have to fill that area with something.
We have used a caulking called Sinkoflex (Spelling) with good results and thinking of "gooping" a 3/4" plastic tube in the hole and fitting the new towing eye with a rubber seal to hold the caulk.
Anybody have any suggestions

What do you folks do to keep the bottom growth off the pontoons and hull?

Do you use a "copper Paint" or something like it?
what about waxing the bottom.

Where can we get some patching material and glue in Canada.
best wishes
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Old 15 November 2003, 08:41   #2
Country: Ireland
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Use Sekaflex to seal the hole rather than a caulk, its a very good marine grade sealant, or you could fiberglass resin fill the hole with a tube tro it and gelcoat the resisn back to the colour of the hull.Some people opt to use antifoul paint, the more metal the paint has the more effective it is, some colours hold more copper particles i.e red, We have waxed the hull, it does work, or you could just cranre out the rib and hull wash it, the more daylight you have the more growth you will get, we dont get as much here in Ireland in winter. cheers gavin

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Old 15 November 2003, 08:46   #3
Country: UK - England
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You'll have to get a bit of warmth on the job I suspect.

You could try www.glueguru.com, it also might be useful to you to buy a repair clamp for on the water proplems. try Ocean Safety, if no luck then I'll send you one over.


this is a Quote from one of our Countries leading tube manufacturers

Originally posted by Nick
but contact Randy Whittaker in the states inflatableboatguy@hotmail.com for alternatives (there are several) which may be easier to obtain locally. He will also be able to give advice and point you in the right direction for materials.
You will need to clean off all the old glue and abrade the area to be bonded with 60 or 80 grit sand paper and thoroughly clean before applying the adhesive. Use masking tape to mark the area to be glued and prevent a messy job. Follow the instructions on the tin, but generally apply a very thin coat to both surfaces and allow to dry. (may take up to 20-30 minutes depending on temperature and humidity.) It does not matter if you leave it several hours between coats as long as the glue is out of the sun. Apply a second coat of glue, again very thinly , I use a paint brush with the bristles trimmed down to about 3/4" to spread the glue. As soon as this second coat has stopped being tacky (test using the back of your hand rather than your fingers) press the two parts together. You only get one go at this. as once the two parts have touched , thats where they will stay. Press the parts together as hard as you can using a scraper which has been blunted and smoothed off, or a hard wallpaper roller. Clean off any excess glue from around the repair using the blunt scraper or wipe off using toluene. Gluing to the glassfibre is exactly the same, though for a stronger bond it should be primed first.

I hope this is helpfull to you , If you have any other specific qestions please ask either by p.m or Email or on this forum if you think the answers will interest others

the rest is me so the level of expertise has plummeted

re patching materials contact Bombards main agent and ask is the toob is made of Hypalon or PVC then do a search on the relevant material. Hypaolon is made by ORCA (a subsidary of Pennel Industries) and are a french company so it's likely they may have a branch in Canada. I don't know about PVC

re plugging your hole (ooh err) the I'd put a bit of expanding (building) foam in the hole first and then plug it, not a lot just a 1 second squirt. It's evil stuff mind you as it gets and sticks to everything so be careful. I would to this to provide a substrate for the silkaflex to be applied to.

If you use your rib commercially then why not Antifouls it, or is that what copper paint is. waxing the toobs seems a good doea
I need a little bit of Rhythym and a little bit of Blues
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Old 15 November 2003, 18:41   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
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Wee Bombards are PVC. Bostik 2402 is used for Hypalon. It WILL fail on PVC. The PVC plasticisers will migrate into the adhesive and turn it into sticky.

You'll be familiar with labels wrapped around PVC mains cable where the glue becomes horrible after a while. Similar thing.


Oh yeh, Gavin, the product is Sikaflex.
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Old 15 November 2003, 21:19   #5
Country: UK - England
Boat name: Won't get Fooled Again
Make: Ribtec
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Posts: 888
2 out of 10 see me

I must not give out bad info
i must not give out bad info
i must not give out bad info
i must not give out bad info
i must not give out bad info

I have edited my previious posting to accomodate your comments JW as I don't want to mislead anyone

Oh well back to fixing the plumbing

I need a little bit of Rhythym and a little bit of Blues
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