Glad everyone was OK!
The RNLI does a fine job and I'm sure had some very good advise.
I almost got caught out near Spings last summer on the way back from St.Ives to Hayle at 22:00 with a full moon.
What a night the stars were out the moon was glimmering on the sea it was truly a fantastic night, however whilst being struck by the beauty of it all I completely miss judged the entrance to the channel and ended up on the edge of Hayle sand Bar.
Luckily my budding crew mate Andy "the bear" jumped out of the boat (into about 500cm of water

) and started to push her off into the channel again which wasn't too clever as its a really steep sand bank on the edge and promptly ended up to his neck in water, at which point the Crewsaver Auto decided to save my crew by inflating itself, have you ever tried to get someone back into a RIB with an inflated lifejack, I couldn't help I was laughing so much and it was my fault!
After a bit of pulling got him in OK and duly noted to ensure I have the right passage plan in place next time, and it cost me 16GBP+VAT to rearm the jacket.
A humbled Shaggy