Okay, having been on a course in the passed with the ladies and gents of S. Cerney and hearing stories about their idea of the game of Darts - anything is possible!!!
I know that the 28 footers were often seen in the Poole area and there are photos of them dangling from parachutes and helicopters published on the web, etc.
Don't they also play with the things that go in & out of Halmatic's yard only at night?
As for the 22's we occationally saw them around the navy dockyards and onboard some of the ships though Pacific's were more common.
I was hoping to find one that hasn't been airborne
I guess if it has been dropped there would be a large shock load on the transom and hull flex if thats possible. Thus look at the normal points to check when buying second hand.
The tubes were built by Henshaws originally (on a track system so they could be changed easily I seem to remember). Fill Smiff are yours leaking or just tatty? if just tatty a coat of paint might be the answer if they are double lined.