Something I have written, pretty basic stuff comments and additions would be welcome.
The following is advice in Etiquette in harbours in general:
1. When APPROACHING a Harbour, they might be moored boats or boats doing manoeuvres on the outside of the harbour. SLOW down, to a speed that you are not making unwanted wake and give these boats a WIDE Berth. Nothing worse than having a boat bast by when you are trying to hoist sails or prepare fenders.
2. Know local bye-laws, OBEY SPEED LIMIT, but even doing the speed limit in the harbour might cause unwanted wake, so you are best treating as a NO WAKE ZONE. Remember you are not the only water user in harbour.
3. When mooring in the Harbour, please use the visitor’s berths, or if you need to raft up to another boat get permission of the Owner. They are usually areas in the harbours that are reserved for PICK UP & DROP OFF only.
4. If RAFTING UP to another boat please make sure your boat is well fendered. treat the other persons boat with RESPECT.
5. If in strange Harbour, its best to contact on VHF or call the Harbour Master first, to find out where they want you. If you cannot reach him, try and find them or ask local for advice.
6. PAY any fees that might be due for berthing, some charge for a day visit whilst some harbours only charge for overnight stays.
7. When leaving your Berth or Mooring, BEFORE pushing off, check to see if any BOATS are in your vicinity. MAKE SURE you know of their intentions before PUSHING OFF. If in DOUBT WAIT till the boat passes.
8. LEAVE HARBOUR, at NO WAKE SPEED as you arrived obeying Local Bylaws, and using common sense and courtesy.
9. REMEMBER – A Yacht or Sail Boat under power is a POWERBOAT, and you must obey the RIGHTS WAY as a POWERED BOAT.
10. Most of ALL have FUN, if you make a mistake, don’t make things worse by arguing back, accept it and move on. We ALL make errors but it is how we handle them that make a difference.
Following this guide will make your boating less stressful for yourself and less stress for others in the Harbour
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