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Old 10 September 2003, 17:36   #1
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"Heavy Weather" Rib

Ribcraft to introduce " most advanced" high-speed, heavy weather RIB

By IBI Magazine

US RIB builder Ribcraft USA, is to debut a cutting edge RIB at the Newport International Boat Show, September 11-14, 2003. This 25' RIB integrates multiple technologies, all designed to dramatically increase driver and passenger comfort and safety by mitigating many of the naturally occurring actions generated by changing sea conditions.

Ribcraft set out a little over six months ago to improve the driver and passenger experience by taking one of its proven hull designs, the Ribcraft 7.8, a model the company successfully launched a little over five years ago, and improve upon it by modifying the build specifications to incorporate the latest in composite materials. The result is the Mitigator, which is powered by a single 225 HP Honda four-stroke engine, reaching a claimed top speed of approximately 50 mph.

To complement its in-house design team, Ribcraft assembled a team including a physician who is a world -renowned expert on back and neck injuries caused by high-speed performance boats, and a well known naval architect. Working closely together, Ribcraft and this team designed and built the first true ergonomically correct console, better referred to as a "cockpit". This slightly oversized console enables pilot and navigator to sit side-by-side while remaining fully protected from the wind and spray. Furthermore, this cockpit approach allows for all instruments; engine gauges, oversized GPS mapping, radar displays, VHF radios, and any other needed navigational controls to be easily seen without any obstructions and positioned within an arms length of both operators.

In addition to providing better protection and access to electronics, this new cockpit contains a steering system that overcomes one of the greatest problems while operating in heavy sea conditions — to effectively steer with one hand on the wheel while throttling up or down with the other all while trying to "stay in the boat". To improve on this, RIBCRAFT eliminated the conventional steering wheel and throttle system in favour of a newly designed and computer controlled steering system. This first-of-its-kind electronically controlled hydraulic system, claims Ribcraft, allows the driver to control steering, all gearshift and throttle operations, as well as communications, without ever having to release his stabilising grip of the handlebars. A trigger switch on the handlebars allows the helmsman to utilize the onboard intercom system to speak with crew or use the VHF and cell and satellite phones through an integrated helmet/headset.
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Old 10 September 2003, 18:35   #2
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Re: "Heavy Weather" Rib

Originally posted by Dirk Diggler
is to debut a cutting edge RIB

They really mean it. That windscreen will take your head off, clean as a whistle in a stuff. The world renowned physician, an expert in back and neck injuries, must be short of work.


Oy Diggi, have you bought my old rib. I didn't realise you were a fat geordie b*stard
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Old 10 September 2003, 18:39   #3
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You've got it in for windscreens at the moment haven't you?
It seems a better angle than some we've come across recently but maybe a touch higher would save the neck.
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Old 10 September 2003, 18:45   #4
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Originally posted by Ian
You've got it in for windscreens at the moment haven't you?
Yep, I saw two headless Humber Extreme drivers last week. I'm saving their bonces for fenders.
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Old 10 September 2003, 21:25   #5
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Re: Re: "Heavy Weather" Rib

Originally posted by davidmanning

Oy Diggi, have you bought my old rib. I didn't realise you were a fat geordie b*stard
Nah, I'm a useless Southern B*stard. And no it's not your one, I thought of buying yours, but I didn't like the poo stains on the seat!

Heard anyfing from CH?
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Old 10 September 2003, 21:27   #6
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Re: Re: "Heavy Weather" Rib

Originally posted by davidmanning
The world renowned physician, an expert in back and neck injuries, must be short of work.


Must have cost them loads of Dollars, should have called Manos in for that job, I heard he's 2 bob.
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Old 10 September 2003, 23:22   #7
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Southampton Boat show

Oy Diggi and DM Im going to the Boat show on the Friday the 19th and the 20sat and the sun 21st if you going,Staying at the same hotel as last time Travel inn Southampton,Got a spare bed fri/sat night as Sue is away in Jersey on hols, if any female page three wants to join me to talk RCD .?

Sod off Narked
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Old 10 September 2003, 23:25   #8
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Couldn't go anyway, I move to Wales on the 21st! No doubt the days leading up to that I'll be running round like a headless chicken getting all my stuff packed and sorted!

Besides, I'm not female, and definately not page 3 material!
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Old 11 September 2003, 07:37   #9
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If you look at the handle bars and the slight glimce of the seat it look remarkably like an Proffessor Ulman design. Who presented this idea at Ribex when it was in weymouth and a few years later there was another rib with the same set up at ribex when it was in ocean village Southampton. Sorry can't remember which years it was.

Has any one been out on his designs and why haven't they sold / why aren't we all driving them if they save our backs that much?

The layout of equipment sounds interesting as does the electro-hydrolic stuff - though how it lasts in salt water will be the final proof.
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Old 11 September 2003, 09:06   #10
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Yes it does look like Ullmanns doesnt it?
Had a runout in Southampton in 2001 in one.
My ride was interesting in that :
a) it rode OK-took the waves well
b) the bit of the seat under your bum and between your thighs was too firm (you ride exactly it like you would ride a horse) and after not too long, it would hurt and chafe your legs. Subsequent modification to the saddle padding may well improve that.
c) you cannot easily, get up, straighten up, move around etc. You are set as a horse-rider would be, well off the deck with balls of your feet in "stirrups". The posture certainly works for wave riding, but being a fidgetty sod, I would not like to be so constrained.
d) each seat was about US$1000, that is just the siting-on bit. In addition you would need to install special tall jockey-seat boxes to mount Ullmanns "saddle" onto.
Interesting, promising, but not for me. Cant comment on the handle-bar, motor-bike like controls.
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Old 14 September 2003, 23:18   #11
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What is that old saying about the wheel?
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Old 15 September 2003, 07:07   #12
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Give us a call when you are down, Bugle Billy is in the water now so we can take you out for a spin. We were towing a tug and barge with it yesterday so it is quite butch

You will also be pleased to know that the captain of Dart9 has taken your advice and is having his freeboard sorted.

He is alos taken Grinch's advice and has cut his crews rations down.

Dirk good to see you've got a rib. 5,4 with a 115 must be wicked. Is JF still talking to you?

Sorry to highjack the thread so I'll put it back ontrack by asking a few questions.

Does any body have failsafe electronics on board, I think not, so having computer controlled steering seems to me to be a bit iffy cosidering the arduous life a high performance Rib has. Although I quit elike the concept and think the layout is great

I also would like to see some padding around the pleaxiglass thing
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Old 15 September 2003, 12:38   #13
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Good to see new ideas , but this is just a copy from an old Vector ,seats and consoles the original moulds are still in Dartmouth!!!!!
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Old 15 September 2003, 22:10   #14
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See you friday Wave,can you pm us your mb.

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