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Old 26 July 2005, 10:31   #1
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Dundee
Boat name: Hunk'o'junk (lately)
Make: Flatacraft
Length: 4m +
Engine: 55HP Outboard
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 5

Hi, I was just wandering if you could answer a few questions about the Flatacraft Force 4. My friend and I recently bought a Force 4 with a 55HP Yamaha engine as a starter boat to learn how to ride a wakeboard but we're having a few troubles with the parents and unfortunately I don’t have enough knowledge about the boat (as I bought it because it had a big enough engine and was a good lookin boat) to 1)put there minds at ease, 2)shut them up and 3) not look like an idiot so any info you have would be handy.

Firstly, we use the boat of the west coast of Scotland. Do you know if the boat is built with the sea in mind and can handle waves?

Secondly, were having some issues with a fuel problem. If the boat was running fine what distance should it be able to cover on 20 gallons of fuel at between 70% power and full throttle?

Third, and I already know the answer but its for their ears, can the boat tow skis and wakeboards and doughnuts?

Any info would be great,


James Brown
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Old 26 July 2005, 10:59   #2
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Originally Posted by plainjames
Do you know if the boat is built with the sea in mind and can handle waves?
Yes, and yes within reason. Although capable, it is a small boat and is best suited to coastal use in reasonable conditions.

If the boat was running fine what distance should it be able to cover on 20 gallons of fuel at between 70% power and full throttle?
At full throttle you'll probably burn something like 5 gallons per hour, a bit less at cruising speed

can the boat tow skis and wakeboards and doughnuts?

If you're new to boating and to skiing/wakeboarding then I'd suggest you get some tuition if you haven't already. It will help you get the most from the boat quickly, and should avoid having to learn everything the hard way. Picking up skiers from the water adds a whole new level of hazard, and getting it wrong canhave serious consequences.

By the way (and you're probably not going to want to hear this!) the recommended outboard rating for the Force 4 was 20-40 hp with a maximum of 50 hp.

Have fun, and let us know how you get on!

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Old 26 July 2005, 11:40   #3
Country: UK - England
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had a force 4 for many years when i was a nipper ,excellent boat,and that had a 55 johnson on it and we never had any probs with it,although it was prop rated at about 47hp,so depends how old your engine is.i do remember a few having 60hp on them,and they flew.
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Old 26 July 2005, 12:05   #4
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Wemyss Bay
Boat name: Alpine Star
Make: Humber Alpha 4.8m
Length: 4m +
Engine: Yamaha 55hp
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Howdy James

Just noticed your from Dundee it says in your profile, how come your using the boat off the west coast ?? Where abouts hav you got the boat or where do you launch from ??

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Old 26 July 2005, 12:11   #5
Country: UK - Wales
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James if you decide not to get any Tuition ( and I hope you do get some) or if you go out before you have booked any then for goodness sake make sure the engine is stopped before you pick any body up and is stopped when you are at least one metre away from your pickup. They can then make their way over to you when the rngine is at stop.

>If It is a pull start it will do your young muscles the power of good.

My very first Rib (about 15 yers ago) was a force 4 and I think they are fine
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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Old 26 July 2005, 13:04   #6
Country: UK - England
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James, the flatacraft force 4 is a good boat and should be fine in reasonable conditions. I used to be a Coastguard in the Clyde area and know the area well; be aware that the conditions change very very quickly; from glass smooth to a force six in around twenty minutes is not unknown in the lower Clyde.
In the CG we used Avon 4m Seariders originally and never had any problems. I could be wrong here and I hope someone will help out, but the flatacraft hull design looks very very very similar to the avon (and I suspect the flatacraft was first on the market). Certainly the Avon handled seas with an experienced and trained crew beyond what you would want to be out in.
There are a few places local to you that should be able to provide some training.
Have you checked out the MCA website for advice on safety gear etc?
Where do intend to launch from?

I think I echo everyone's comments so far: get some training and you'll enjoy the boat even more!
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Old 26 July 2005, 13:37   #7
Country: UK - Wales
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Don't forget the safety gear - wet suit - lifejacket - flares. VHF would be good - handhelds from only £50 these days but you need a licence - unless you ONLY keep it for an emergency and NEVER use it for anything else - you will still be breaking the law but if it's life and death who cares???
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Old 27 July 2005, 07:54   #8
Country: UK - Scotland
Town: Dundee
Boat name: Hunk'o'junk (lately)
Make: Flatacraft
Length: 4m +
Engine: 55HP Outboard
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 5

Thank you all for your replies. I will spend my day today finding out were I can get some lessons or help and checking out the MCA website. I launch at the beach of the campiste where we have our caravan for most of the summer at a place called Arisaig near Mallaig, about 40 miles N/W of Fort William. We only really use it near to the coast as I don't know enough about it and while I don't mind rowing/swimming 50m I do object to rowing/swimming 1000m. We allways wear wetsuits and big orange lifejackets but i'll invest in a few flares.

Thnks again for all your time.

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