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Old 23 September 2004, 11:47   #1
Country: UK - England
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Help me choose

Hi all

New to the whole Rib thing so please bare with me, I walked around the Southampton boat show looking to buy a Rib, I must say I’m more confused now after speaking to the various stands. All I know is that I want to tow it so I guess that limits me to around 5-6 mtrs. Any advice would be helpful.

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Old 23 September 2004, 12:04   #2
Nick Hearne's Avatar
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Hi & welcome
What are you planning to use it for?
Have you a family & what age?
Do you want to do some long jaunts?
What are you planning to tow it with?
Give us some more of an idea of your kneads!
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Old 23 September 2004, 12:06   #3
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Solent Ribs

Solent ribs do a nice package on a 5.4 with a 60hp and trailer for around the 11k price tag also, do a 6 metre very nice boats and good finish to them, will have to add that i am biased towards them as i sell them and use them for my training school, quite a few members on here have Solent ribs and they are gaining popularity, they might be one to consider.
regards Tim
Tim Griffin
RYA Freelance YMI power Powerboat and PWC instructor trainer vhf first aid sea survival Diesel engine radar and navigation instructor
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Old 23 September 2004, 12:17   #4
Country: UK - England
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See what I mean, New to this!

All round boat that will take a family of four, kids fairly large 10 and 12. I have a fairly large car that will tow about 1500 Kgs (Only bit of research that was easy!). Initially plan to limit myself around the Solent, with the other couple of thousand boaters! Would like the capability to go further offshore when I get my a few miles under my belt.

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Old 23 September 2004, 12:44   #5
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Originally Posted by whitewater

See what I mean, New to this!

All round boat that will take a family of four, kids fairly large 10 and 12. I have a fairly large car that will tow about 1500 Kgs (Only bit of research that was easy!). Initially plan to limit myself around the Solent, with the other couple of thousand boaters! Would like the capability to go further offshore when I get my a few miles under my belt.

Hi George and welcome to the world of RIBS

will you want to launch and recover with your family car, cos what it will tow doesn't mean will launch and recover ok. I have a Freelander and tows ok my Parker 6.3 diesel on a twin axel trailer (1400kg in total) but up a steep slip it is just no good. I don't launch and recover now just let the marine do it with their tractor

Where do you propose to launch?
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Old 23 September 2004, 12:45   #6
Country: UK - England
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Rib-X 575

I have nothing to compare it with but, like you, I had a good look around a few months back for something to take the family out cruising and I settled on a RIB-X as my first boat.

Having looked again at all the RIBs at the Southampton Boat Show I still think I made the right choice. I am very pleased with it.
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Old 23 September 2004, 13:23   #7
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I`m on my third RIB now.

I`ve always bought second hand and had boats from nearly seven meters to 5.5meters.

I drive a VW Golf TDI and I have to plan my launching and recovery carefully. All have my boats have recovered no problems when it is planned and done carefully.

My 5.5 Humber was a joy to use and went like a rocket.
My 6.75 Delta was heavy and went through any sea whilst you feel very safe
My current 5.85 RibTec is a nice compromise. It is a fast hull which does not weigh too much or handly badly in seas.

I did look at a new Solent Rib but once I started adding stuff to the base boat it got very expensive. They are very well finished and look the business.
I was very happy with the sales (the boss) approach to me. I was hesitant and not 100% sure on what to get but he was patient and understood what I was trying to get.

My advice would be to go for 5.5 - 6m range (nice size behind a family car but good in the seas) and some thing in the region of 100hp. Try and get a small aux engine also.

Tornado, XS, Ribcraft and Ribtec do 5.85 and handle pretty well. I think it would be fair to call them industry standard size boats so the market is competitive. I would consider a RIBTEC again and serious look at a Solent.

Hope this helps to make your mind up.

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Old 23 September 2004, 14:28   #8
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Having an idea of your budget would make it easier to provide suggestions.

In my experience a nice clean second hand 5 - 6m package can be picked up from around £5,000 up. Have a look through the ribs for sale page and see what takes your fancy.

If you are looking for new then £10,000 upwards would be reasonable.
The Solent package does look very reasonable.

As with Andre I too tow with a Freelander but I would guess my boat trailer is a bit lighter as I have never had any problem with it. (I used to tow with a 1.4 Astra - which was asking a bit much of it !)

Another idea is to try and get out with some people and try their boats and see if you like them. If your ever over my way I'd be happy to oblige.

Have you done any courses ? Get out with an RYA recognised centre (there are plenty around your area, a few with members here !) most will have a few boats for you to try and at the end of the weekend you will not only got some experience behind the wheel - have an idea of what you want from the boat but also got a recognised qualification under your belt.


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Old 23 September 2004, 14:31   #9
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Have a look at the Ribcraft 585.

In fact Ribcraft have a demo weekend October 9th & 10th at Weymouth where a number of there boats will be on the water for you to try.

To book your visit:

Email Jason
Or call 01935 411846

The following are I belive going to be available

Ribcraft 4.8
Ribcraft 5.3
Ribcraft 5.85
Ribcraft 6.5
Ribcraft 6.8

I have the 585 and am extremely happy with it.

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Old 23 September 2004, 14:46   #10
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Select a boat you can afford then buy the next size up. Very few people buy a smaller boat second time around. This same rule can be applied to houses and wives.(just joking)

The difference between 5.5 and 6.5 can be significant from a handling / seakeeping point of view and I agree that the best way is to try as many boats as possible.

Steer clear of anything with stripy seats , can’t say why just do it.
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Old 23 September 2004, 14:54   #11
Nick Hearne's Avatar
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I would go for 5.5 to 6m so you can all fit on comfortable + a few friends, seating say 2 x jockey seats + a good bench seat at the back this souled give you some dry storage as well. the kids & maybe you too will want to water sky etc
I would go for a deep V hull as it will give you a much better ride even on a calm day in the solent (solent chop!)
Tubes if you want stability at rest make shore they touch the water at rest
Do make shore you have enough power or you will want more all to soon!
I have a 5.75 Osprey Viper which I can launch & recover on my own if knead be, it is very stable & will plow throw anything, well that if you want to!
It will be great fun
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Old 23 September 2004, 14:56   #12
Country: UK - Scotland
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Another new boy!


Been reading the forum for the last couple of months with a view to eventually buying a rib. Firstly though, congratulations on a great site and many thanks for some very informative, knowledgable and very often comical (although not always intended) posts.
I am also looking to buy a similar rib and was at the boat show for that purpose, but have also come away a bit more confused. Looking at a 5.5 to 6.5 with 100-150 engine and towed by 2lt 4x4. To be used off Scottish coast - mainly cruising with mates on the west and capable of the unpredictable weather there. Had a keen interest in XS with full jockey set up and visited Lawrence at Barnet who was very helpful. However, the 'dragon' was not too keen as (a) 'its a bit commercial looking in colour(!!) and (b) she wants rear bench/bucket seats for older friends, children and perhaps even mother(!) for Sunday sails. To an extent I had to agree with her but that may be influenced by the fact that she has agreed to part fund!
The other problem is that most of the more specialised manufacturers appear to be on the south coast which means problems for viewing, trailing the purchase to Scotland and possibly warranty issues. Very close to home I can access Zodiac, Avon, Valiant and Northcraft and occasionaly some reasonable deals appear available (currently a Zodiac 650 Pro with 175 Evinrude + twin axle trailer for 20k (?)). Ribeye dealer also available on the west coast.
Comments/advice welcome please particularly on locally available models and their suitability for purpose.
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Old 23 September 2004, 18:02   #13
Country: Ireland
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Make: XS-Ribs
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I wouldn't dismiss the XS yet. Fair enough I'm biased towards them (I've got one, she great!! ). As regards commercial looking colours, the 3 standard colours are blue, orange and grey. However you can have the tubes in any colour you want if you are willing to pay extra. Like wise glasswork can be any colour you want at no extra cost. Upholstery can be any colour also but at an extra cost again.

You can get a rear bench seat as well as the jockey set up. A well built and good handling, safe boat. As regards towing, our Merc E200 kompressor will tow it up even the steepest slippery slips (thank God for traction control!! )
Steve G
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Old 23 September 2004, 18:25   #14
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Hi Whitewater,are you looking to buy new or second hand? I'm now moving up to a bigger Rib so mine is on the market,it's only a few months old,and is fully loaded.send me a E-mail if you require details of her. Hope you have plenty of fun what ever you decide to purchase.If you look on the Gallery section and look at the thread called Bit Of Air you can see a photo of her (The Orange Rib)
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Old 23 September 2004, 19:57   #15
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
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Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
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it's not the length of the boat that affects your towing ability it's the weight. Our 6.5 Scorpion tows beutifully behind a car but the 6.5 Ribtec is a dog because it's so much heavier. I find a longer boat is a nicer tow.

What part of Southampton are you from?
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Old 08 November 2004, 08:52   #16
Country: UK - England
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Hi all

Thanks for all your replies and sorry I haven’t posted back, Joys of working away for a few weeks. Still looking, still confused, reckon I’m going to leave it until the Boat show and wander round there for some more Idea’s.

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Old 08 November 2004, 13:03   #17
Country: UK - England
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Take a look at this little beauty

Its all got to go - make me an offer...............

Skype - alexgreig
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Old 08 November 2004, 16:18   #18
Country: UK - England
Town: Lymington
Boat name: Farfetched
Make: Solent Ribs
Length: 6m +
Engine: 150hp Suzuki
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Have a new 6.5M Solent and absolutely no problem recovering her at Lymington with 2 people with quite a steep slippery ramp with a 2L auto peugeot 807 people carrier. She feels fine on the roads and incredible on the water. A light boat. We are begginers too.
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Old 08 November 2004, 18:15   #19
Country: UK - Wales
Town: Southampton
Boat name: DynaMoHumm/ SRV/deja
Make: Avon8.4, 5.4 & 4.777
Length: 8m +
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Jools on this forum is selling a Ribcraft 5,85 which is an excellent boat and has n;t seen much use cos he works abroad mostly. I am fairly certain it's in the boat for sale sector. If you want to buy secondhand then Searider has a lovely Avon searider for sale and for not much money. Sea Riders are excellent first boats cos you can beat the crap out of em for a year or two and sell em for about 85% of what you paid . If you ar egetting an Avon get a Searider providing you can kive with the seating

I think that the best 5.5 metre boats are Avons and Ribcraft they are superbly built and both go well with a 70 to 90 hp. While we are on the subject don't overlook the Gemini.

If you need some impartial advice I am from Southampton and we keep our boats in Saxn wharf and I'd be happy to chat with you. Relax I don't sell boats so it purely impartial advice if you want it
Here it comes again, I don't stand a chance
Soul possession, Got me in a trance
Pullin' me back to you - Deja Voodoo
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