Help needed...
Apologies firstly for rather general post title but not sure how to title it.
To start with i have just returned from Afghan having spent 7 months there. Having done PB2 with Army and then VHF cert and PB Intermediate through civvy means before i went, i want to get back into Rib'ing. Without my own Rib i resort to either having the past bareboat chartering (from Solent Rib) or "borrowing" rib from mate to get my experience. Now mate has moved away (with boat!), im looking at other avenues.
I have been looking at Rib Boat Share. Seen a few on the net and was wondering if anyone had experienced these companies and their pro's and cons. Im based around the Poole/Soton area, well home is on weekends, otherwise im in the home of the British Army, Aldershot!
I want more experience as coming to end of a 22yr career and looking at oppurtunities outside the forces.