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Old 26 October 2011, 20:48   #1
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Help needed!

Hi, just joined the forum, looking for some advice really. As part of my college project for my HND in mechanical engineering, we've got to design a product as if it was ready to be launched to the market. Our group chose a set of wheels for taking a semi inflatable from the shore to the water.

I'm in charge of the marketing for this project, and need to come up with a figure for an amount to produce (hypothetically).

I'd really appreciate it if someone could give me an idea of how many semi inflatables are in use in the Uk, or worldwide, or any other help you could give me with this.


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Old 27 October 2011, 05:31   #2
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These are already available in the UK, a quick serach for them "may" throw up some figures?
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Old 27 October 2011, 06:27   #3
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Polwart will be along shortly I'm sure. Ribnet membership would be a good basis to start with IMHO. Take that number and double it or sumsuch. Oh and then subtract the population of the Shetland isles.........
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Old 27 October 2011, 07:52   #4
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Reinventing the wheel. Good choice. You should really be asking how many people would use your devise not how many sibs there are in the world

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Old 27 October 2011, 08:05   #5
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Originally Posted by biffer
Reinventing the wheel. Good choice. You should really be asking how many people would use your devise not how many sibs there are in the world

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To assertion that he needs to know his potential Market place. Until he knows that it's impossible to estimate/plan a hypothetical sales turnover.

Peter ~ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ ~ 07930 421007
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Old 27 October 2011, 08:12   #6
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Unless of course the wheels are proper off road all terrain ones to handle a 5m Avon Workboat? I bet your bombard castor- er I mean wheels wouldn't even hold the Yam 40 up! Give the guy some slack - every college / uni project like this reinvents the wheel at some level.

Lets face it who had heard of Nokia before they brought out one of these new fangled phone things? Sometimes all it needs is a new take on an old product...

Sorry I can't be much help with the numbers..... I guess you could make a guess at the average number of SIBs at yacht clubs, and use the RYA list as a going in guess for the "yottie" side of the market?

Hows about a project for next term? A folding A-frame with integral Aux mount for narrow transoms?

Oh, and Ryan - Welcome to Ribnet!
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Old 27 October 2011, 08:40   #7
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There are many variables. Some guys have sibs as tenders yet never run them up a beachside. Others use them as tenders with no engine and just carry them Some are just sibbers and I would say they would be the target. Knowing how many inflatables are out there would be useful but not as useful as knowing how many run there's across a beach

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Old 27 October 2011, 09:49   #8
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My advice is just make up a number! No one else is going to know, free up your time to concentrate on other aspects of the project

If you get caught out, start harping on about "time management" and other such b******s, teachers love all that!
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Old 27 October 2011, 16:04   #9
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Agreed. Or better still quote a reliable source.

According to the Rigid Inflatable Boat National Educational Taskforce (otherwise known as R.I.B.N.E.T) there were 345,625 Semi Inflatable boats sold in the UK last year.

After a customer satisfaction survey was produced, around 68% of those bought would be interested by the idea of them being transported by dolly wheels, if such a product was ever even available.

That makes a potential target Market of 235,025, each willing to spend £25 on said product.

A potential yearly turnover of £575,625 should go down well with the teacher. If not change them to suit you.

Peter ~ Boatsandoutboards4sale ~ ~ 07930 421007
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Old 27 October 2011, 17:57   #10
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Right, thanks alot for the help guys.

I know it's a bit of a shitty project, and they're already on the market, but it wasn't my suggestion, and the teacher was happy to accept it as an idea, so I'm stuck with it!

I've had a look for sales figures for the other wheels on the market, can't seem to turn up anything usefull though.

I'll keep on searching, or I might just pull a figure out of the air, as suggested!
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Old 27 October 2011, 20:56   #11
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This is quite a good link - as it mentions a number of companies which produce retractable and detachable wheels for SIBs. You should be able to price the wheels from their own websites. Also some useful information about maximum load weights, etc.
Inflatable Launching Wheels: How To Launch A Small Boat Without A Trailer

Zodiac are probably one of the biggest boat manufacturers in the world (also own Bombard, Avon, etc.) Their stuff isn't cheap... with a set of wheels retailing for around £250. Look up Zodiac codes Z61110 or Z1290 for more information. Not a bad profit margin when you consider it's no more than a couple of aluminium shelf brackets and wheelbarrow tyres from B&Q!

I'm sure you're already aware of Sealeg RIBs, but if not then here you go: Sealegs Patented Amphibious Technology
Attached Thumbnails
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ID:	63555  
Is that with or without VAT?
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Old 27 October 2011, 21:54   #12
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Right, cheers mate. That's a great help. We won't actually be producing any mind you, it's just about designing them.
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